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All Authors
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
Dr. Shula Laderman
Rabbi Arie Hasit
Dr. Tamar Kadari
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
Dr. Gila Vachman
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
Prof. Doron Bar
Prof. Ari Ackerman
Dr. Yair Paz
Dr. Etka Liebowitz
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
Rabbi Diana Villa
Prof. Yossi Turner
Private: Eitan Cooper
Dr. Dror Bondi
Dr. Ronit Steinberg
Dr. Marva Shalev-Marom
Rabbi Ilana Foss
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
Private: Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz
Dr. Peri Sinclair
Dr. Sarah Schwartz
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
Dr. Einat Ramon
Moriah Karsagi-Aharon
Dr. Eitan Chikli
Rabbi Sara Cohen
Prof. Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern
Dr. Paul Mandel
Dr. Jo Milgrom and Dr. Joel Duman
Dr. Yoel Rappel
Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Lau
Rabbi Liron Levy
Dr. Galia Glasner Heled
Dr. Tomer Persico
Dr. Brenda Bacon
Prof. Shmuel Glick
Dr. George Savran
Dr. Michal Oren
Rabbi Shlomo Tucker
Rabbi Hagit Dotan
Prof. Guy Miron
Rabbi Elisha Wolfin
Yaakov Tsur
Rabbi Moshe M. Silberschein
Rabbi Tamar Elad Applebaum
Dr. Michal Govrin
Dr. Moti Arad
Rabbi Prof. Alexander Even Chen
Ari Bursztein
Dr. Joshua Kulp
Amb. Efraim Halevy
Sharon Leshem-Zinger
Paul Aberman
Aharon M. Singer
Linda Price
Dr. Pnina Galpaz Feller
Rabbi Dr. Harvey Meirovich
Rabbi Dr. David Levine

How Psychodrama Enables the Successful Overcoming of Anxious Moments (like Crossing the Red Sea)

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Ziva Bracha Gidron
| 04/02/2025

Psychodrama: How to successfully cross the Red Sea and other obstacles in Life Shalom, my name is Ziva Bracha Gidron...

The Meanings of Light & Darkness in Egypt and Today

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 30/01/2025

Light and Darkness are elemental in the human journey: from the days of the Exodus until today. If you could...

Parashat Va’era: An Artistic Midrash about Ancient Egypt

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 20/01/2025

An artist’s midrash paints the battle between Moses/Aaron and Pharaoh in this week’s Torah portion.  In spite of their great...

The Story of the Midwives: A Morality Tale

Ethical Issues
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 16/01/2025

Pharaoh vs. the Midwives is actually a story about the ‘fear of God.’ Rabbi Arie Hasit takes us into the...

Can Joseph Break the Cycle of Familial Violence in Genesis: A Midrashic Answer

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 07/01/2025

Vayechi, the Book of Genesis’ last portion breaks the cycles of familial hatred and jealousy. What was your relationship with...

If a brit (circumcision) is delayed for medical reasons, is it permissible to name a baby boy before his brit?

Birth and Children
Conversion and Circumcision
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 02/01/2025

Responsa in a Moment Volume 19, Number 2 December 2024  In memory of my grandfather Rabbi Mordechai Ya’akov Golinkin z”l...

Who is a Hero: A Hanukkah Story

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/12/2024

Hanukkah 5785:  In honor of the 50th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Mordechai Ya’akov Golinkin z”l On Hanukkah, we celebrate the heroism...

Jacob’s Alienation from the Land of Canaan

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 17/12/2024

What is your relationship to your home? Jacob is both alienated and rooted to Canaan, the land of his ancestors....

A Subtle Yet Dramatic Difference in God’s Promises to Abraham and Jacob

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 02/12/2024

Being in Israel with the keen sight of Abraham and the physical presence of Jacob.  Parashat Vayetzei opens with Jacob’s...

The Story of Toldot: The Patriarch Isaac Does Not Leave The Land of Israel – Neither Do We!

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 27/11/2024

Stories of Isaac and Esau are well known. Isaac, in the week’s portion, does not go to Egypt in a...

Rebecca’s Kindness is a Power Reflected in Israel’s Kindness to One Another After Oct. 7th

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 18/11/2024

Rebecca was chosen due to the power of her Kindness. We need to use this power now, more than ever. ...

How should one pray for a person who is terminally ill?

Illness, Burial and Mourning
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 13/11/2024

Responsa in a Moment Volume 19, Number 1 November 2024  How should one pray for a person who is terminally...

A Midrash on Treating Hagar & Ishmael: A Lesson in Morality

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 11/11/2024

The Midrash teaches: Judge a person not by what he might do in the future but according to his current...

The Value of Naivete in Abraham’s Story

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 04/11/2024

Celebrating Abraham’s transition from activism to naivete is ideal, argues Prof. Moshe Benovitz  One of the strangest things about the...

Imaging Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 31/10/2024

An Artistic Midrash:  Shapes and Colors of God’s World  The second portion in the book of Genesis starts with the...

From Trauma to Strength: Adding to God’s Presence on Simchat Torah 5785

Ethical Issues
High Holidays
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 21/10/2024

This Simchat Torah, Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker invites us to work to glorify God’s presence in the world, despite the...

A Time for Joy and A Time to Weep – Sukkot 5785

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 13/10/2024

This year’s Sukkah holiday is overshadowed by October 7th, 2023 and its aftermath. Rabbi Arie Hasit asks us to see...

Teshuva (Repentance) is a Revolutionary Concept: Why?

Ethical Issues
High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 08/10/2024

Repentance, Teshuva in Hebrew, is a core concept of Judaism and a bold one. It teaches that we have the...

Schechter’s High Holiday Booklet for 5785 – Reflections & Prayers after October 7th

High Holidays
Israel and Zionism
Prayer and Synagogues
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
| 01/10/2024


Comforting the People of Israel After Oct. 7th: Lessons from Jewish History

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/09/2024

“Comfort, oh comfort My people” is the focus of Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin’s message against the terrible tragedies we have...

Rediscovering and Rebuilding Relationships: A Call from the High Holidays

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 18/09/2024

The parashiyot of Nitzavim–Vayeilekh are intimately woven into the rhythm of the liturgical year as they are typically read either...

Parashat Ki Tavo: The First Fruits of Monotheism

Art and Literature
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 16/09/2024

What was the real purpose of having the farmers repeat the first fruits bikurim ceremony each year? To show the...

Parashat Shoftim – Sanctifying Our Days

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 04/09/2024

Dedicated to the memory of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Ori Danino What constitutes...

How should we observe Simhat Torah this coming year?

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 26/08/2024

Responsa in a Moment Vol. 18, No. 6 August 2024 How should we observe Simhat Torah this coming year? (Orah...

Despite The Destruction, This Week’s Haftarah Also Provides Hope to Reach Better Places!

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 26/08/2024

This week we read one of the seven Haftarot of consolation. Dr. Tamar Kadari compares this to a Midrash.  Have...

The Root of All Blessings in Parashat Ekev

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 20/08/2024

Loyalty to covenant and the observance of mitzvot are the theme of Parashat Ekev. Even more movingly (and especially at...

A Deep Look into Differences between Crave and Covet of the 10 Commandment’s in Jewish Tradition

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 14/08/2024

To crave and to covet are part of the modern experience. However, Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker shows the subtleties of...

Can we finally Celebrate on Shabbat Chazon and Tisha B’Av…or Will We Once Again Cry Our Hearts Out?

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Tisha B’av
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 07/08/2024

As Humans, Jews, and Israelis we face ḥurban: destruction and desecration. This Tisha B’Av we hope our hostages will be...

Connecting The High Priest Aaron to the Month of Av

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Tisha B’av
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 28/07/2024

What are the conditions that turn mourning into joy? Explore ideas connecting this week’s Torah portion and the dichotomous month...

Moses’ Leadership Needs the Daughters of Zelophahad As Much As They Need Him

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 22/07/2024

Words are the difference between the Revolt of Korach and the Request from the Daughters of Zelophahad. Rabbi Matt Berkowitz...

The Curse That Rebounded into a Blessing: A New Look at Parashat Balak

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 14/07/2024

Balaam helps us all see the fortitude of the Jewish People’s spirit and survival. A dive into this week’s Torah...

Learning from Moses’ Mistake – Unraveling the Mystery of Leadership: Parashat Hukkat

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 08/07/2024

Thoughtful words have power. Every moment’s uniqueness allows each of us to enter a “promised land” with an even more...

Does Jewish Law Require Yeshivah Students to be Drafted at Age 18?

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 07/07/2024

Responsa in a Moment Volume 18, Number 5 July 2024 Does Jewish law require yeshivah students to be drafted at...

Why did the Tribe of Reuven Join Korah’s Rebellion?

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 01/07/2024

  How One’s Neighborhood Can Make All the Difference and Frame One’s Actions: The Story of Korah in This Week’s...

One Small Letter Makes All the Difference: A YUD in Shelach Lecha

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 24/06/2024

Learning with Rabbi Arie Hasit: A Midrash teaches that sometimes the consequences of what happens in our lives can take...

Who is a Prophet? All the People of God? Find the Answer in Beha’alotecha

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 17/06/2024

Why do the Children of Israel renege on each one becoming a prophet?  Prof. Moshe Benovitz answers this question.  One...

The Paradox of the Priestly Blessing – Parashat Naso

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 10/06/2024

The biblical Priestly blessing is the center of this week’s Torah portion: Naso. Why do the Cohanim put out their...

Yom Yerushalayim – 2024/5784

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Yom Yerushalayim
Eitan Cooper
| 04/06/2024

Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim is now 57 years old. Eitan Cooper shows us this holiday’s importance.  Do we need a...

Walk This Way: Walking with God in Parashat Be-hukkotai

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 27/05/2024

Physical movement is intimately connected to spiritual growth. Walking with the Divine can bring us blessings. Rabbi Matt Berkowitz explores...

A Historical Treatise on the Lag B’Omer Celebration at Mt. Meron

Lag B'Omer
Places & Sites
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 20/05/2024

A History of the Pilgrimage to Mt. Meron on Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai’s death day celebration. Prof. Doron Bar offers...

Echoes of the Creation Story in This Week’s Parasha: Emor

Art and Literature
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 15/05/2024

Similarities between the Universe’s creation and establishing Jewish Holy Days. Dr. Shula Laderman explains. The name of our Parasha, Emor,...

A Zionist Sermon from Ukraine from 1920 in Honor of Israel’s 76th Birthday

Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 12/05/2024

Responsa in a Moment Volume 18, Number 4 May 2024   A Zionist Sermon from Ukraine from 1920 in Honor...

Only God is Holy. Not the Land of Israel nor the Jewish People! Listening to Yeshayahu Leibowitz

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 09/05/2024

Iconoclastic thinker, social critic, and public intellectual Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s opinion on holiness is very clear: Only the Divine is Holy!...

How Do We Define Ourselves? Our Relationships? Insight into Parashat Acherei Mot

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 02/05/2024

How do we define ourselves or how are we defined by others? Often via our relationships. Rabbi Mimi Feigelson helps...

What Lessons Can We Learn from the Haggadah this Pesah?

Israel and Zionism
Rabbinic Literature
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 16/04/2024

According to Sefer Hahinukh, it’s a positive commandment to rejoice on the three pilgrim festivals, as it is written, “and...

How Pesah’s Hakhnassat Orḥim Custom has Become the Norm in Israeli Society!

Israel and Zionism
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 16/04/2024

Rabbi David Golinkin teaches us how Pesah’s Hakhnassat Orḥim custom has been adopted by Israelis since the October 7th war. It...

Wisdom is Beyond Us…..Meeting God in the Middle…Acknowledging the Unknown before Pesach

Israel and Zionism
Prayer and Synagogues
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 11/04/2024

Exploring the Unknown to Find the Divine: Using Chassidism to find a way to meet the Divine in times such...

What is the Purpose and History of Adar II?

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 02/04/2024

 Volume 18, Number 3 March 2024 What is the Purpose and History of Adar II? By Cantor Abe Golinkin and...

Dividing Animals into Pure and Impure: We keep these rules to observe God’s Will and for our Jewish Self-Definition

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 31/03/2024

Jews and Gentiles have different responsibilities in the world according to the midrashim in Vayikra Rabbah and Midrash Tanhuma. Dr....

Parasha Parah…Do We Really Want to Return Sacrifices and the Temple?

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Yair Paz
| 27/03/2024

How is it possible to survive without the Temple and without the sacrifices? Dr. Yair Paz tours historical and Rabbinic...

PURIM SPECIAL: How did the Greeks view Esther….You might be surprised!

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Dr. Etka Liebowitz
| 17/03/2024

There are numerous additions to the Book of Esther in the Septuagint, the Biblical Greek translation from prior to the...

How Does Moses Conceive of the Divine: Transcendent or Immanent?

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 10/03/2024

Moshe Rabenu’s Conception of God is revealed in this week’s Torah portion: Pequdei. Prof. Moshe Benovitz explores Moses’ and our...

Did Rashi Dictate Responsa to his Daughter?

Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Women & Gender
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/03/2024

Responsa in a Moment Volume 18, Number 2 February 2024 Did Rashi Dictate Responsa to his Daughter? By Rabbi David...

Adding the Divine’s Name to the Hebrew Word for Group Makes All the Difference: Coming Together with a Holy Purpose

Jewish Life & Thought
Prayer and Synagogues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 04/03/2024

This week we read Parashat Veyekhel and add Parashat Shkalim. Rabbi Arie Hasit, Assoc. Dean of The Schechter Rabbinical Seminary opens...

Jewish & Christian Roots of Moses’ “Horns of Light” – Parashat Ki Tissa

Art and Literature
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
| 25/02/2024

Are the horns rising from Moses’ face a result of early Christian Latin translations? Yes, but not only….Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham...

Is the Temple or the Tabernacle More Central to Judaism….Parashat Tetzave

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 18/02/2024

Did you know that the Temple is never mentioned, not even once, in the entire Torah? Prof. David Frankel asks...

A Person’s Ethical Behavior should Reflect the Tabernacle for God – Pure and Upright: Parashat Teruma

Ethical Issues
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Diana Villa
| 12/02/2024

Building the Ark in the Tabernacle (Mishkan) is the focus of this week’s Torah portion – Teruma. Rabbi Diana Villa...

Parashat Mishpatim: The Lessons of Remembering When We Were Slaves

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 04/02/2024

The Torah urges us to embrace and choose freedom. This is scary to former slaves, and in Parashat Mishpatim, boundaries...

An Artistic Midrash on The Mt. Sinai Theophany

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 29/01/2024

Avner Moriah’s artistic ‘midrash’ on the Theophany at Mt. Sinai expresses how the Children of Israel may have experienced God’s...

Are there ways of hiding a mezuzah in times of danger?

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/01/2024

Responsa in a Moment Volume 18, Number 1 January 2024 Are there ways of hiding a mezuzah in times of...

Truth, Zionism and Humanism – In Memory of Prof. Eliezer Schweid

Ethical Issues
Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Yossi Turner
| 22/01/2024

The Humanist-Zionist scholar, Prof. Eliezer Schweid, was an intellect in search of Truth and in furthering Jewish Peoplehood, especially in...

Parashat Bo: In Memory of Sgt. Major David Schwartz, z’l, who fell in Gaza Defending Israel

Israel and Zionism
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 14/01/2024

 It took a coordinated, national effort for the Children of Israel to successfully leave Egypt. Moshe did not act alone. Rabbi...

Parashat Va’era’s Lesson: Value Character, Justice and Modesty, not Demagoguery

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 08/01/2024

The Torah’s choice of Moshe teaches us to value strength of character, sense of justice, and modesty, when choosing whom...

A Sleight of Hands: Multiple Artistic Midrashim on Jacob’s Blessing his Grandsons

Art and Literature
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Ronit Steinberg
| 25/12/2023

How do artists interpret Jacob’s hand movement that gives the younger son the better blessing? From Rembrandt to the medieval...

Vayigash: The Significance of Encounters to Fend off Loneliness as a Central Theme in this Week’s Torah Portion.

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 21/12/2023

Encountering others can help us through tough times and loneliness is the lesson of this week’s Torah portion. We need...

The Existential Insecurity of Joseph & Jacob: The Inner Story Behind Parashat Miketz

Ethical Issues
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Marva Shalev-Marom
| 14/12/2023

Dreams, Family mis-interactions, Mystery and Hunger: Parashat Miketz is filled with expressed and suppressed emotions. Schechter’s Dr. Marva Shalev Marom...

Do Not Silence Voices – Especially Those with Whom We Disagree: The Prophet AMOS in This Week’s Haftorah

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 07/12/2023

Society should never silence the voice of its critics. We may disagree with them, but it is vital not to...

One Thought, Many Emotions: Who Are You After Battling the Angel: An Understanding of Parashat Vayishlach

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 30/11/2023

A person’s name is one of the most important elements of an identity. Reb Mimi Feigelson explores identity, the self,...

Who is Rich? The Secret to Isaac’s Wealth….

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 15/11/2023

In Parashat Toldot, Isaac finds the path to wealth. Buy low – Sell high….or buy low and make the desert...

The Convoluted History of the Cave of Machpela in Hebron

Places & Sites
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 09/11/2023

The Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs was and remains a place of pilgrimage for Jews, Muslims and Christians. Why?...

Accepting Guests: Abraham Sets an Example for the Jewish People

Art and Literature
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
| 02/11/2023

In Parashat Vayera, Abraham receives visitors in his tent, establishing the importance Judaism attaches to accepting guests = the other....

Building a Relationship: Abraham and God – Parashat Lech Lecha

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 25/10/2023

(This article was written and filmed prior to October 7, 2023 when war broke out on Israel.) Lech Lecha: An...

Trauma of Going to War: The Wars of King David and their Lessons for Today

Ethical Issues
Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 17/10/2023

In the Wake of the War in Gaza The citizens of Israel, and the Jewish people at large, are living...

The Secret of Eternal Youth: A Tribute to Prof. Alice Shalvi  z”l

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 16/10/2023

The Secret of Eternal Youth: A Tribute to Prof. Alice Shalvi  z”l Rabbi Moshe Margalit, author of the Pnei Moshe...

Sefer Bereshit and War in Israel…A Further View of Rashi’s Commentary

Israel and Zionism
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 12/10/2023

This week, we begin again as we turn to the opening of Sefer Bereshit, the Book of Genesis. Yet, we...

How do artists portray Bereshit, the first Torah portion?

Art and Literature
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 11/10/2023

This was recorded prior to the current war. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those killed,...

Psalm 29 – English

Illness, Burial and Mourning
Israel and Zionism
| 08/10/2023

Psalm 29 A psalm of David. Ascribe to the Lord, O divine beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength....

The Multiple Blessings of Simchat Torah: The blessing is a Bridge between the End and the Beginning

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz
| 02/10/2023

The High Holy Days end on Simchat Torah. Their arc is based on the Bracha-Blessing idea seen in both the...

Sukkot: Be a Personal Sukkah to Other People by Supporting and Protecting Them

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 28/09/2023

Reb Mimi Feigelson calls for us to become a personal Sukkah, a Personal Leaning Post, for our friends, family and...

Yom Kippur Liturgy: Bringing Boldness into our Lives

High Holidays
Prayer and Synagogues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 19/09/2023

Yom Kippur Boldness: Stealing from the angels in the holiest of prayers during Yom Kippur. Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker concludes...

Environmental Underpinnings in Rosh Hashanah Liturgy: We Are Stewards of Our World….Take Better Care of the Earth!

Ethical Issues
High Holidays
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 07/09/2023

Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin explores the environmental underpinnings in Rosh Hashanah prayers that lead us to recognize our stewardship and...

The Clash Between Morality and Halakhah: The Case of the Rebellious Son in the Bible

Ethical Issues
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 27/08/2023

The philosophy of Halakhah examines the clash between morality and Halakhic norms. Prof. Ari Ackerman explores the realities of decision...

A Dvar Torah Direct from Camp Ramah Yachad – Ukraine (Parashat Eikev)

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 13/08/2023

Love of the Jewish People and love of Zionism are lessons Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin’s father and grandfather imparted upon...

Is body piercing permitted according to Jewish law?

Ethical Issues
Medical Ethics
Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 10/08/2023

Responsa in a Moment Volume 17, Number 6  Is body piercing permitted according to Jewish law?* (Yoreh De’ah 182:5)  by...

Who and What are you? Parashat Re’eh’s Haftarah demands to know: Are you a blacksmith or malleable material?

High Holidays
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Ilana Foss
| 06/08/2023

The Blacksmith as parable for our relationship with God: Rabbi Ilana Foss asks us to consider where each of us...

Open your ‘Soul’ and ‘Faith’ bank accounts NOW! The opportunity always exists and interest will accrue: Parashat Va’Etchanan

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 27/07/2023

We all need to open ‘soul’, ‘heart’, ‘faith’, ‘spirit’ bank accounts. Even on our hardest days, when there is only...

In Memoria of the Temple’s Destruction: From a Blank Wall to a Work of Art

Fast Days
Illness, Burial and Mourning
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Tisha B’av
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
| 23/07/2023

Jewish homes leave part of their structure unfinished, symbolizing mourning for the destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple. Dean of Schechter Institute...

Taking Vengeance Too Far: Moshe Oversteps God’s Mandate….Parashat Matot-Masei

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 09/07/2023

Vengeance plays a large role in politics. In this week’s Torah portion Matot-Masei, Moshe takes vengeance on the Midianites. But...

Settlers Who Attack Palestinian Villages are Desecrating Gods Name and Jewish Principles. Parashat Pinchas

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 03/07/2023

Zealous for God….or Zealot? Settlers who attacked Palestinian villages are desecrating God’s name and Jewish principles. Rabbi David Golinkin uses...

Is mixed dancing really forbidden at weddings?

Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Women in Jewish Law
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 28/06/2023

Responsa in a Moment Vol. 17, No. 5 June 2023 Is mixed dancing really forbidden at weddings? By Rabbi David...

How Miriam the Prophetess Became a Powerful Symbol for Jewish Feminists: Parashat Hukkat

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Women in Jewish Law
Dr. Etka Liebowitz
| 25/06/2023

Miriam the Prophet has become a symbol for modern Jewish feminists. Dr. Etka Liebowitz explores how how biblical Miriam is...

How is it that even 10 ‘evil’ people create a minyan? Rabbi Arie Hasit deepens our understanding of “Who is wise”

Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 13/06/2023

Rabbi Arie Hasit challenges us to find commonalities and meet with those who do not necessarily agree with our own...

God is closer to Moshe than Moshe is to the Children of Israel: Parashat Beha’lotcha

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 06/06/2023

Reb Mimi Feigelson finds a clue in this week’s parashah answering a question she has been pondering for 20 years!...

What is the role of the Priestly Benediction? A Midrashic Interpretation Finds New Meaning

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 30/05/2023

The role of the Birkat HaCohanim blessing takes on a different meaning with a Midrash from Song of Songs (Shir...

Were the 10 Commandments Really Given To Moses or were they divinely inspired?

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 24/05/2023

How many of the 10 Commandments and the Bible itself are the words of God or divinely inspired, and thus...

Who Are Our Descendants: Those Whom We Teach! Parashat Bamidbar

Jewish Education
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Diana Villa
| 18/05/2023

A teacher should impart life lessons. Rabbi Diana Villa uses Parashat Bamidbar to illustrate how Jewish texts show teachers offering...

To Whom are we Accountable: To God….Parashat B’har – Behukotai

Ethical Issues
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 10/05/2023

Reb Mimi Feigelson looks deep, deep into this week’s Torah portion to draw out lessons of accountability to God. She...

Commemorating Israel’s National Day of Remembrance – Art as Medium

Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Ronit Steinberg
| 24/04/2023

Dr. Ronit Steinberg journeys into the confluence of memory and art. She explains how the symbolism of artistic creations craft...

Israel at 75: A Fifty-Year Retrospective

Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/04/2023

Responsa in a Moment Vol. 17, No. 4 April 2023 Israel at 75: A Fifty-Year Retrospective by Rabbi David Golinkin...

The Sounds and Strengths of Silence: Reflections on Silence in the Face of Sacrifice and Tragedy

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 18/04/2023

Schechter’s Executive Vice President, Eitan Cooper, draws us into his thoughts connecting Yom Ha’Shoah, Memorial Day for the Shoah today,...

Take a Pause & Learn More About Yourself: The Meaning of Shabbat Hol Ha’Moed Pesach

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 07/04/2023

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson takes inventory of our Jewish life on Shabbat Hol Ha’Moed Pesach encouraging us all to...

Four Brief Responsa Regarding the Laws of Pesah

Rabbinic Literature
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 04/04/2023

Responsa in a Moment Vol. 17, No. 3 March 2023 Four Brief Responsa Regarding the Laws of Pesah By Rabbi...

What can we Learn from the Exodus about Israel’s Current Civil Crisis?

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 03/04/2023

Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin mines Biblical history to gather insights about the Jewish People’s past and today’s civil strife in...

One Word, Just One Simple Word…Brings Us to the Divine – Parashat Tzav

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 30/03/2023

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson discerns that three letters in the Hebrew word “zot” זאת , translated as ‘this’ represent...

Power Corrupts: Political Checks and Balances in Parashat Vayikra

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 19/03/2023

Prof. Ari Ackerman uses modern biblical commentators to explicate the Torah’s innate understanding that power corrupts. Specific sacrificial offerings made...

Disrupting Technology: Creating a Local Sanctuary in Place – Parashat Vayekhel-Pekudei

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 15/03/2023

Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch argues that we need to disrupt technology on the Sabbath to create a true and local sanctuary...

Art Reflects On Human Relationships: The King and His Queen….PURIM Episode

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
| 06/03/2023

On Purim, Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham, Dean of Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, decodes human relationships via two paintings depicting the meeting...

The Proposed “Judicial Revolution” in Israel: What Can we Learn from our Sources?

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Pluralism and Politics
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 02/03/2023

Responsa in a Moment Volume 17, Number 2 February 2023 The Proposed “Judicial Revolution” in Israel: What Can we Learn...

One Year after Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A Rabbi’s Personal Reflections on Parashat Truma

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 23/02/2023

Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya reflects on how her years of working in Ukraine came to an abrupt change on the morning...

What Do We Want from Our Relationship with God? A Hassidic Answer in Parashat Mishpatim Reveals it All!

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 16/02/2023

For Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigleson, this week’s Torah Portion – Mishpatim – helps us focus and deepen our relationship...

Why are Jews so Obsessed with Lists? A look at 10 Commandments and 613 Mitzvot – Parashat Yitro

Art and Literature
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Ronit Steinberg
| 09/02/2023

Confronting the Jewish penchant for creating lists….Dr. Ronit Steinberg starts with this week’s Torah portion, Yitro, and its list of...

Tu B’Shevat: Learn More about Sustainability in Judaism

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 05/02/2023

Eitan Cooper describes the transformation of Ancient Israel’s New Year for the Trees, Tu b’Shevat, into the modern Jewish holiday...

Should the cantor pray slowly, including many melodies to help the congregation achieve Kavanah or shorten the service to avoid tirha d’tzibbura (imposing on the congregation)?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/01/2023

What is the origin and history of the Bat Mitzvah ceremony?

What Does Pesach really mean? Is our holiday name in English based on an incorrect translation? Parashat Bo

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Arie Hasit
| 22/01/2023

Rabbi Arie Hasit expounds on a different meaning of the word ‘Pesach’ in this week’s Parashat Bo and how this...

Why One Should Create a Will TODAY: Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz on Parashat Va’yechi

Ethical Issues
Illness, Burial and Mourning
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz
| 01/01/2023

Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz through the use of our ancestors’ acts in this week’s Torah portion, Va’yechi, argues not to delay creating...

Soccer’s 2022 World Cup and its Relationship to Joseph Meeting His Brothers….Parashat Vayigash

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 25/12/2022

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson takes the Joseph story into wholly different directions as she speaks, softly, about tears of...

In Memory of Prof. Eliezer Schweid z’l, Among the Founders of the Schechter Institutes, One Year After his Passing

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 19/12/2022


A Modern Religious Artist’s Midrash on the Tamar-Yehuda Story…Parashat Va’yeshev

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Dr. Ronit Steinberg
| 12/12/2022

A modern midrash on the Tamar – Yehuda prostitution story is offered by artist Chani Cohen-Zada in her sparse, emotional...

The Rabbis: Accept Those Who Want to Convert to Judaism…Or The Jewish People Will Deal with Terrible Results! Parashat Va’Yishlach

Conversion and Circumcision
Ethical Issues
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 04/12/2022

Rabbi Prof. David Frankel explores rabbinical imagination to wonder what would have happened if Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob had accepted...

Jacob’s Special Status and the Angels….An Artistic Interpretation – Parashat Va’Yetze

Art and Literature
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham
| 28/11/2022

Dr. Noa Yuval-Hacham takes us into Parashat Va’Yetze and the various textual and artistic interpretations of Jacob’s ladder, Jacob’s dream,...

What is A Proper Education? The Story of Jacob & Esau…Parashat Toldot

Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 20/11/2022

Shalom. In this week’s Parashah of Toldot, we read the dramatic story of the birth of Ya’akov and Eisav (Jacob...

Parashat Chayei Sarah: An Arresting Image of Rebekah and Isaac’s Initial Meeting

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 13/11/2022

Dr. Shulamit Laderman utilizes the mesmerizing images and midrash of Avner Moriah’s Chayei Sarah-1 painting to describe the details and...

Parashat Va’Yera…..Stories Surrounding Lot’s Wife: Her Acts and Her Name

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 06/11/2022

Rabbi Irena Gritsevskaya takes us behind the scenes as she searches for the ‘real’ Lot’s Wife. Using Torah commentary and...

Parashat Lech Lecha: The Paradox of Free Choice and the Unknown…

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 31/10/2022

The four words attributed to Rabbi Akiva in Pirkei Avot (Ethics of Our Fathers): הכול צפוי והרשות נתונה (all is...

TALI’s Dialogue & Identity Program Successfully Brings Together Israeli Arab and Jewish Schoolchildren

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
| 25/10/2022

صباح الخير סבאח אל שיר Morning Song On a bright morning, the voices of 1,200 Arab and Jewish children rose...

Prof. Moshe Benovitz Compels us to Question Good and Evil Inclinations in Parashat Noach

Ethical Issues
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 24/10/2022

Prof. Moshe Benovitz digs into Parashat Noach and its commentaries to explicate the rabbinic notion of two inclinations – good...

Prof. Ari Ackerman, New President of Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Explores Creation

Jewish Life & Thought
Religion & Science
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 18/10/2022

Rabbi Soloveitchik and Creativity As is well known, the Torah opens with an account of the creation of the world....

Four Immortal Lessons from the High Holy Days

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 19/09/2022

Immortal stories fill our heads and souls on Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin encourages us to read these stories...

Responding to a Difficult Text – Parashat Ki Tavo

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 11/09/2022

Parashat Ki Tavo challenges us to engage with the threats and rebukes of God. Rabbi Chaya Rowen-Baker offers us a...

”You shall live long days” – How so?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 04/09/2022

Right before we begin the High Holiday season, a time which we pray for life, Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President...

Bribery in Parshat Shoftim and Today

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 29/08/2022

To start off the month of Elul, Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, gives us a tip...

What can I learn about myself from you?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 23/08/2022

Sometimes, we see an attribute in a family member or friend that might bother us. Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson,...

Bags of earth from Eretz Israel at Herzl’s second funeral

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Israel and Zionism
Places & Sites
Prof. Doron Bar
| 17/08/2022

Professor Doron Bar, President of the Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies, shares with us an excerpt of his research published...

Insights into Tu B’Av

The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Tisha B’av
Women & Gender
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 12/08/2022

In recent years, Tu B’av has become the ‘holiday of love’, a sort of Jewish version of ‘Valentine’s Day’. Why?...

Canaan and Egypt: An Agricultural Contrast

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 12/08/2022

How can we discuss the promised land and the land of our slavery in the same sentence? Dr. Shula Laderman, lecturer...

Tisha B’Av: Stones of Destruction at the Western Wall Excavation

Fast Days
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Tisha B’av
Prof. Doron Bar
| 04/08/2022

Professor Doron Bar, president of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, takes us on a trip in time within the Old...

Nahem on Tisha B’av: Is it permissible to change the wording?

Israel and Zionism
Responsa by David Golinkin
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Tisha B’av
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 04/08/2022

What is the origin and history of the Bat Mitzvah ceremony?

What happens when good people do nothing?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/07/2022

What happens when good people are bystanders? This week Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, Inc., draws a parallel between...

Does time make the heart grow fonder?

Fast Days
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 10/07/2022

With the destruction of the temple taking place so long ago, how are we expected to feel so much grief...

What are the essential attributes of a leader?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/07/2022

What defines a good leader? This week Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, Inc., teaches us the...

The Jewish People: Unique and different or part of a Greater Whole?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Yossi Turner
| 06/07/2022

This week in Parashat Balak, Yossi Turner, professor of Jewish thought at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, discusses what...

The Golden Calf and the Red Heifer: A Bovine Coincidence?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 03/07/2022

This week in Parashat Hukkat, we read about the commandment of the Red Heifer. Dr. Shula Laderman, lecturer of Judaism...

Not July-August – Av-Elul

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Jewish Life & Thought
Dr. Peri Sinclair
| 30/06/2022

This past month, Israeli Minster of Education Yifat Shasha-Biton, attempted to shift the Israeli summer vacation from July-August to follow the Hebrew...

A punishment reminiscent of creation

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 22/06/2022

This week Moshe Benovitz, Professor of Talmud, Jewish Law at the Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies​, discusses Parashat Korach. Prof....

The never-ending journey to holiness

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 19/06/2022

This week, Rabbi Professor David Frankel, Associate Professor of Bible at The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, shares insight on Parashat Shelach and next...

Judaism: A two-sided coin

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 09/06/2022

This week,  Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, describes Judaism as a two-sided coin which encompasses both joys...

Solidarity and Support to Masorti Kehillah and Refugees in Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Dr. Etka Liebowitz
| 08/06/2022

In order to deliver both spiritual and material sustenance to the Aviv Masorti Community in Chernivtsi, Midreshet Schechter sent pedagogical...

Where is God in the book of Ruth?

Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 02/06/2022

Where is God in the Book of Ruth? Although the book’s protagonists often mention God in the things they say,...

Each of us is a puzzle piece

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 30/05/2022

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Mashpiah Ruchanit (spiritual mentor) of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, shares with us a text from the Ishbitzer Rebbe....

Restoration of the Jewish Quarter After 1967

Israel and Zionism
Places & Sites
Yom Yerushalayim
Prof. Doron Bar
| 29/05/2022

In honor of Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day, Prof. Doron Bar, President of The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, takes us on a...

Pesach Sheini: An opportunity for second chances

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 19/05/2022

Each year we celebrate Passover not once, but twice. Pesach sheini marked the day when someone who was unable to...

Chronology in the Torah: Understanding our timeline

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 10/05/2022

The text of the Torah occasionally seems out of order. This week Eitan Cooper, Executive Vice President of The Schechter Institutes, highlights such...

Understanding more from a repeated verse

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 08/05/2022

​This week’s Parasha, Emor, repeats a line that has already been stated twice before in the Torah: ” On six...

Fearing God while interacting with others

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Diana Villa
| 01/05/2022

This week’s Parasha, Kedoshim, includes the very famous adage, “Do not place a stumbling block in front of a blind...

Zooming out to get a bigger picture

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 13/04/2022

Often, we are so encompassed in our own narrative that it is hard to see the larger picture of what...

Hulda gates: An entryway to the Temple and to the past

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 13/04/2022

In the days of the Temple, there were three times a year that Jews would gather from all over the...

How to Tell a Story: Two Approaches to Education in the Haggadah

Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 13/04/2022

What is the best way to have a Pesach Seder? What order should the Magid section- the retelling of the...

Simple meanings arise new each day

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 11/04/2022

Every year we ask, “Why is this night different from all other nights”. But now the question is slightly altered....

Why is the Shabbat before Pesah called Shabbat Hagadol?

Responsa by David Golinkin
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/04/2022

What is the origin and history of the Bat Mitzvah ceremony?

Failing to See Our Own Faults: Parashat Metzora

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 23/03/2022

This weeks Parsha Metzora, focuses on the possible physical ‘impurity’ of a person. Dr. Gila Vachman, Director of Torah Lishma...

What is the origin and history of the Bat Mitzvah ceremony?

Responsa by David Golinkin
Women in Jewish Law
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 14/03/2022

What is the origin and history of the Bat Mitzvah ceremony?

A story of light in dark times: The Karliner Rebbe

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 14/03/2022

This Purim week, Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Mashpiah Ruchanit (spiritual mentor) of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, celebrates a birthday. Amidst a world...

Shabbat Zachor: Where Do We Find Amalek Today?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 06/03/2022

This Shabbat is titled Shabbat Zachor, inwhich we are commanded to remember Amalek and what they did to us. Why...

Shekalim: Our Obligation to Our World Jewish Community

Eulogies and Words of Tribute
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 27/02/2022

“On the first of Adar they make a public announcement about the shekels–” that is how Mishna Shekalim starts, with...

King Solomon’s dedication speech for the Temple: A closer look at where God lives

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 27/02/2022

Humans live in houses, birds live in nests, lions live in dens. Where does God live? A ‘foggy’ hypothesis lies...

Three hidden lessons in a highly technical Parasha: Vayakhel

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 20/02/2022

For ages, Parashat Vayakhel was overlooked as a predominantly technical parasha, without much area for deeper meaning or lessons. Rabbi Professor...

The Nation of Israel; A Stiff-Necked People? Torah Through Fine Art

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 13/02/2022

Dr. Shula Laderman, lecturer of Judaism and the Arts at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, interprets Israeli visual artist Avner...

What are the sources and halakhic requirements for the Tohorah ritual?

Illness, Burial and Mourning
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/02/2022

What are the sources for the Tohorah ritual [=the ritual of washing the dead before burial]? What are the halakhic requirements?

Parshat Tetzave: When clothes become more than just something to wear

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 02/02/2022

Do you enjoy finding deeper meaning in everyday things? Dr. Gila Vachman, director of Torah Lishma Tel Aviv and lecturer...

Meeting the Nation of Israel Where They Are: Maimonides on Sacrifices

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 30/01/2022

When God commands the Nation of Israel to worship through animal sacrifices, is it because this is what the Almighty...

Parashat Mishpatim: Lessons for Recently Liberated Slaves

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 20/01/2022

Jews were slaves in Egypt, and, following the Exodus, held slaves themselves. Eitan Cooper,  the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating...

The Ten Commandments: Just for Jews or applicable worldwide?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 17/01/2022

Two features make the Ten Commandments so palatable to the western mind: the fact that most of the commandments are prohibitions, and the fact that most are ethical rather than ritual in nature.

Déjà-vu: a chance to learn from mistakes – Parashat Beshalach

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 09/01/2022

Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker gives us insight into regret and second chances through the actions of Beni Israel in their exit from Egypt.

Parashat Bo: A spiritual replacement for Waze

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 02/01/2022

Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, teaches us how to get from the everyday mundane to the spiritual destination. The key: Tefillin.

Is it permissible or required for the State of Israel to extradite a wanted criminal to another country?

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 29/12/2021

Is it permissible or required for the State of Israel to extradite a wanted criminal to another country? Since the Malka Leifer affair made the headlines in 2008, we have heard from various rabbis that, according to Jewish law, it’s forbidden to extradite her to the Australian authorities. In the meantime, she was finally extradited in January 2021.

Taking on the Mantle of Leadership: Parashat Va’era with (almost) Rabbi Danny Weininger

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Danny Weininger
| 26/12/2021

In this week’s parasha, Va’era, Danny Weininger explores Moshe’s confrontation with Pharaoh. How does Moshe take on the mantle of...

Denying his own destiny, becoming great within himself: Abraham Joshua Heschel

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 19/12/2021

In honor of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s 49th yahrzeit, Dr. Ari Ackerman, Lecturer for Jewish Philosophy and Golinkin Professor of TALI...

A timeless blessing seen through a work of art: Parashat Vayechi

Art and Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 12/12/2021

Every Friday it is traditional to bless children around the Shabbat table. “יְשִֽׂמְךָ֣ אֱלֹהִ֔ים כְּאֶפְרַ֖יִם וְכִמְנַשֶּׁ֑ה” “(May) God make you...

How do our relationships with each other affect those around us?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 05/12/2021

How do our relationships with each other impact those around us? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, discusses a relationship gone sour that ultimately is still influencing us today. He shares insight on the lasting effect of the rift between Judah and Joseph in Parashat Vayigash and the need for us to work together to unite our people and our tribes.

From Darkness to light; Parashat Miketz and Hanukkah

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 25/11/2021

Parashat Miketz contains the motif of darkness to light. Dr. Gila Vachman discusses Joseph rising in rank with the timing of Hanukkah.

Prophecy Then and Now: Eitan Cooper on Haftarat Vayeshev

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 18/11/2021

In this week’s haftarah from the Book of Amos, the King of Judah, Amatziah, pushes back against Amos’ prophecy. This prompts the question, how do we identify real prophets, both in the biblical era and today?

The Only Thing We Have to Fear: Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Vayishlach

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 14/11/2021

One might think that fear is the dominating sentiment between Jacob and Esau and their fateful reunion.  Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary suggests, when examining the relationship between the brothers, that fear is largely transient. The hug that ends the meeting is more indicative of Jacob's true feelings.

The Steps on Our Journey: Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson on Vayetzei

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 07/11/2021

In Parashat Vayetzei our ancestor Jacob continues his peripatetic journey to Haran and begins building his family. Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary asks, does God walk with us at every pause and at every step? Does traveling with a known destination mean that we might ignore waystations along the path? How and where do you resonate with the possibility or reality of "Divine Providence" in your own personal life?

A Study in Contrasts: Dr. David Frankel on Abraham and Jacob

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 31/10/2021

Who were our ancestors and what did they represent? Abraham and Jacob present us with two different paradigms of Jewish history and identity

And What of Isaac? Prof. Moshe Benovitz on Identifying with his Forefather

Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 31/10/2021

Sometimes, when asked to talk about who I am and what I am to people who don't know me very well, I talk about how I identify with our forefather Isaac.

Parashat Chaye Sarah: Four Basic Jewish Values in One Torah Portion

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 24/10/2021

The weekly portion of Chaye Sarah includes four basic Jewish values. What are these values and how do they express themselves in this Parashah?

A New Home for Kiev’s Kehillat Masoret

Jewish Education
Linda Price
| 21/10/2021

Exactly thirty years after Midreshet Yerushalayim was founded in 1991, its thriving Kiev community is making history as it prepares to move into the first Conservative synagogue building in the FSU in October 2021.

Art, Jewish Culture and Community

Art and Literature
Linda Price
| 21/10/2021

An interview with Yael Biegon Citron, an Artistic Director and Dramaturge whose collaboration with Neve Schechter that has brought the art world closer to Jewish culture in ways never before imagined

Living Co-Existence

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Linda Price
| 21/10/2021

Teachers Karina Ebrani, TALI Hod Hasharon School, and Roula Azar, the Greek Orthodox School, Ramla, are both facilitators for TALI’s Dialogue and Identity program. They knew it would be a challenging year due to Corona. But they never envisioned that war would pose the greater risk to the fragile dialogue they had built between their students, as missile attacks and violence struck in the heart of their home towns

Donning Many Caps

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Linda Price
| 19/10/2021

An interview with Doron Rubin, Schechter educator par excellence, teaches a Midreshet Schechter community Bet Midrash in Ofakim, advises two MA Leadership programs, and most recently, has joined the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary for full-time studies.

Everything I learn at Schechter somehow makes its way back to Ofakim

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Linda Price
| 19/10/2021

An interview with Yahaloma Zechut, an activist who founded the Community Resilience Center in Ofakim and a Schechter MA student in the Ofakim Leadership MA program

Additions to the Amidah: A Mahzor Mystery

High Holidays
Responsa by David Golinkin
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 31/08/2021

In his new year message, Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, president of The Schechter Institutes, unravels the mystery of how special prayers were added to the Amidah we recite during the 10 days of repentance, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.

Turning Curses Into Blessings in the New Year

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 22/08/2021

There is a reason why we read Parashat Ki Tavo every year just prior to Rosh Hashanah. As we approach the new year, we have an opportunity to make our covenant with God flourish.

Repentance: Connecting to the Promise of the Future

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 15/08/2021

Teshuvah – repentance – requires us to consider things that have happened in the past. It is also about connecting to the promise of the future, says Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary.

Fake News and a Lesson from the Prophets

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker
| 08/08/2021

Fake news and false information: How can we identify it? Parashat Shoftim has a timely lesson for confronting this challenging and disruptive contemporary dilemma.

The Haftarot of Consolation: Encouraging Words from the Prophet Isaiah

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 01/08/2021

In the period between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashanah, when the weekly Torah reading is accompanied by the seven haftarot of consolation, Dr. Tamar Kadari provides encouraging words of hope and comfort from the Prophet Isaiah.

What Does it Take to Build a Relationship of Love with God?

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 25/07/2021

What are you willing to do to build a relationship of love with God? Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, says we need to share the totality of who we are in order to love and feel loved by God.

Leadership Accountability Requires an Equal Standard

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 18/07/2021

Should leaders be given preferential treatment when they err? Parashat Va'etchanan helps us understand the harsh judgement Moses receives for a seemingly small sin.

Parashat Devarim: The Importance of Courage

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 12/07/2021

Dr. David Frankel discusses the first chapters of the Book of Deuteronomy and asks, "How do we as a society today in Israel stand up to the call of the Torah to bring courage into our lives?"

Parashat Matot-Masei:
Should We Emulate God’s Vengeance?

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 04/07/2021

Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch discusses how we balance our desire to emulate God with passages from the Torah in parashat Matot that call for conquest, killing and revenge.

Parashat Pinchas: An Enduring Act of Feminine Courage

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women in Jewish Law
Dr. Peri Sinclair
| 27/06/2021

Dr. Peri Sinclair, Susan and Scott Shay Director General, TALI, recounts the surprising story of the five daughters of Tzlofechad, which documents how social change occurred even in biblical times.

Parashat Balak: A Timeless Lesson About Respecting Privacy

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 20/06/2021

The prayer Mah Tovu – How good are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel – teaches us an important principle about Jewish law and privacy that is powerfully relevant today.

Parashat Chukat: Envisioning the Perfect Death

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 13/06/2021

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson asks us to imagine the conversations leading up to Aaron’s death, between brothers and between father and son, and to envision our own perfect death.

Is it Permissible to Borrow Secular or Church Music for Prayers and Zemirot?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 09/06/2021

What does Jewish law say about the common practice of borrowing melodies from musicals, popular English and Hebrew songs, operas and even Christian and Muslim music for prayers and Shabbat zemirot?

Parashat Korah: Seizing a Chance
To Make a Correction

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 06/06/2021

The story of the rebellion against the prophet Samuel serves as a corrective for Korah and the failures of the Judges of the period.

Parashat Shelach Lecha: A Zionist Response to the Pessimism of the Spies

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 30/05/2021

Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, president of the Schechter Institutes, shares an inspirational song that serves as a Zionist alternative to the pessimism of the spies at the center of this week’s parasha Shelach Lecha.

Parashat Naso: How Do We Serve God From a Place of Doubt?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 18/05/2021

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson draws a parallel between attributes of the sons of Levi – Gershon, Kehath and Merari – and how we approach situations when there is doubt and uncertainty.

Parashat Bamidbar: The Desert is the Perfect Place to Become Holy

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 09/05/2021

A substantial part of the Torah takes place in the desert. Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch explains why a place of emptiness and desolation is the ideal setting for one of the holiest moments in the history of the Jewish People.

Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: The Meaning of Dwelling in the Land

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 03/05/2021

Dr. David Frankel, senior Bible lecturer at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, explains how the Bible is teaching us to rethink our relationship to our property and our land.

Parashat Aharei Mot-Kedoshim: Building a Metaphorical Sanctuary

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 18/04/2021

Rabbi Akiva cites the verse “Love your neighbor as yourself" from this week's parasha as a challenge to building a metaphorical sanctuary, entering its Holy of Holies and learning to love and live well.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora: The Greater Good Versus Individual Rights

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 16/04/2021

Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya, director of Midreshet Yerushalayim and Midreshet Schechter, discusses the case of the leper as a prime example of how society must weigh individual rights against the community's well being.

From the Holocaust to the Rebirth of Israel: A Tale of Two Letters –1938 & 1951

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Responsa by David Golinkin
The Holidays and Hebrew Calendar
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 08/04/2021

Two family letters give perspective to the history and current state of Israel as it marks 73 years of statehood.

Responding to Tragedy: Parashat Shemini and Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 05/04/2021

As we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day, Dr. Tamar Kadari, Dean of The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, looks at different ways to respond to tragedy.

Drama or Trauma: Who Are You When You Cross the Red Sea?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 29/03/2021

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, explores what happened to us in Egypt and the journey across the Red Sea.

“From Sorrow into Joy, from Darkness into Great Light”

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 21/03/2021

Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, examines events in history – both Biblical and modern – and how those involved gave thanks for their salvation.

What To Do When Erev Pesah is on Shabbat (1). Responsa in a Moment: Volume 15, Number 3, March 2021

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 14/03/2021

Erev Pesah falls this year on Shabbat. How should one go about preparing for the festival and for the Shabbat meals?

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekkudei: A Dwelling Place for God Paves a Path to Freedom

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 08/03/2021

Eitan Cooper, Executive Vice President of The Schechter Institutes, imparts two fundamental lessons from the building of the Tabernacle.

Parashat Ki Tissa: Challenging Times Call for Creative Leadership

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Peri Sinclair
| 01/03/2021

Dr. Peri Sinclair, Director General of TALI, finds a new perspective on this weeks parasha, Ki Tissa, in light of the pandemic and leadership challenges of the past year.

Must God’s Name Be Written in English as G-d?

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 22/02/2021

It is common practice among many Jews, especially Orthodox Jews, to write G-d instead of God. Is there any halakhic basis for this practice? Should it be followed?

Choosing to Belong to the Chosen People

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 08/02/2021

Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya, director of Midreshet Schechter and Midreshet Yerushalayim, discusses Parashat Mishpatim and the unique relationship between God and the Jewish People.

Why did Moses descend with two tablets of the 10 commandments?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 31/01/2021

Physical depictions of the 10 commandments lead us to believe that two tablets were required to write all of the 10 commandments. Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Parashat Yitro cites a Talmudic discussion and two prominent archeological discoveries as evidence that there were two identical tablets.

Songs of the Heart: Shabbat Shira

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 25/01/2021

Parashat Beshalach and the Song of the Sea – The Slonimer Rebbe described three types of song: songs of the mind, songs of the heart and songs of the limbs. What songs might we find inside ourselves?

Redemption and Inheritance: Parashat Bo

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 17/01/2021

Parashat Bo: How do we claim our dual inheritance, that of the Torah and of the Land of Israel?

God’s Infinite Wisdom: Parashat Va’era

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 10/01/2021

In Parashat Va'era Moses threatens Pharaoh with plagues, revealing the nature of God's infinite wisdom via these supernatural events.

Whose God is it Anyway? Parashat Shemot

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 03/01/2021

God of Abraham or God of Moses?  Eitan Cooper, Executive Vice President of The Schechter Institutes, examines two contrasting portrayals of God...

Name Changes in the Bible: Dr. Peri Sinclair on Parashat Vayechi

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Peri Sinclair
| 28/12/2020

Name changes in the Bible occur on several occasions and raise many questions. Parashat Vayechi explores the differences and symbolism of the two names of the patriarch Ya'akov.

Judah or Joseph? Human Action or Divine Plan?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Sarah Schwartz
| 20/12/2020

Judah or Joseph?  Which brother’s point of view would you adopt? Dr. Sarah Schwartz, head of Bible studies at The Schechter...

Lighting the Chanukah Candles: Shabbat Chanukah

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 07/12/2020

How will we bring light this Chanukah? Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at...

Does Halakhah Require Vaccination Against Dangerous Diseases Such as Measles, Rubella, Polio and Covid-19?

Medical Ethics
Religion & Science
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 01/12/2020

Does Jewish law require vaccination? How does Jewish law relate to those who endanger the lives of others by refusing to be vaccinated?

Jacob and Esau: Can Enemies Be Friends?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 30/11/2020

Jacob and Esau: Their contentious relationship goes back to their tussle inside their mother Rebecca’s womb. What are our expectations...

Tapping into the Greatness of Rachel and Leah in Parashat Vayetze

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 22/11/2020

Who out of the two sisters in Parashat Vayetze holds the best recipe for happiness, Leah or Rachel? And which approach is Who out of the two sisters in Parashat Vayetze holds the best recipe for happiness? Leah or Rachel? And which approach is preferred??

Parashat Toldot with Tamar Kadari

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 15/11/2020

Parashat Toldot describes Rebecca, the wife of Isaac. Despite coming from a family of deceivers, she epitomizes verse 2.2 in Song of Songs, as a "lily among brambles" because of her good deeds and inner virtues.

Saying No to God in Parashat Chayei Sarah

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 09/11/2020

Parashat Chayei Sarah recounts the death of Sarah, our matriarch, upon hearing of the binding of her only son, Isaac. It affected her so deeply that it ended her life.Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson explains how when Sarah told God, "No, I cannot endure this," she taught us that it is not only okay to say no to God but it can also be seen as an act of love and faith towards God.

Parashat Vayera: What is so Bad About the Middle Path?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 29/10/2020

Parashat Vayera tells us the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the famous cities that were so corrupt that God had to destroy them in their entirety, in spite of Abraham’s attempts to assuage God from performing this extreme action.

Parashat Lech Lecha with Rabbi David Golinkin

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 22/10/2020

And God said to Abraham, ‘get you up and go from your land from the place where you were born from the house of your forefathers to the land that I will show you.

Parashat Noach with Dr. Ari Ackerman

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 18/10/2020

At the end of chapter 11 of the book of Genesis, is the episode of dor haflaga, or the generation of dispersion.

Parashat Bereshit with Eitan Cooper: Truth, Good and Evil in 2020

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 11/10/2020

In its first four chapters, the Book of Genesis paints a portrait of humanity that is refreshingly applicable to our current political and social dilemmas, and then offers a way forward as well, if we choose to take it.

Rethinking Pilgrimages to Jerusalem Amid a Global Pandemic

High Holidays
Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Doron Bar
| 06/10/2020

As we celebrate the week-long festival of Sukkot, we are forced to approach the holiday in a drastically different way, in light of the coronavirus pandemic. This includes our inability to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Western Wall.

Abraham Accords Allow for Gulf Muslims to Visit Jerusalem

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Prof. Doron Bar
| 04/10/2020

Professor Doron Bar explains how the signing of the historic Abraham Accords affects the Temple Mount.

Getting in Touch with Our Inner Jonah before Yom Kippur

High Holidays
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Nava B. Meirsdorf
| 22/09/2020

Ahead of Yom Kippur, Schechter Rabinical Seminary Student, Nava B. Meirsdorf shares the meaningful lesson hidden within the depths of the Book of Jonah and helps us to find the courage to fulfill our life's mission.

Rosh Hashanah 5781: A New Year’s greeting from Rabbi David Golinkin

High Holidays
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 13/09/2020

In honor of Rosh Hashanah and in the hope of a better year ahead, Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin shares two classic piyutim, liturgical poems, one from the Ashkenazic tradition and one from the Sephardic tradition, both offering the same message of hope for the coming year.

Coming and going in Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech

High Holidays
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 06/09/2020

As we approach the last Shabbat of the Jewish year, Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson uses Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech as an opportunity to invite us to examine and question our strengths and what we want to take with us into the new year.

A Jewish View of Non-Violent Protest and Civil Disobedience

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 31/08/2020

In general, Jewish law and tradition have a positive attitude towards protest. Genesis 18 contains Abraham’s classic protest against what he perceived as Divine injustice regarding the destruction of Sodom.

Making Peace with God in Parashat Ki Tavo

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 27/08/2020

Parashat Ki Tavo is devoted largely to the tokhehah, a warning of punishment that will befall Israel if they ignore God’s will, and many if not most of the verses in this long passage are devoted to diseases and affliction of body and soul, and most of the others are devoted to devastation wreaked upon the economy.

Learning from the uncomfortable commandments of Ki Teitzei

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 23/08/2020

Rabbi Avi Novis Deutsch confronts three very unusual commandments that appear in the beginning of Parashat Ki teitzei and uses them to not necessarily follow these commandments, but to learn from them.

Connecting contemporary politics to Parashat Shoftim with Eitan Cooper

Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 16/08/2020

This week’s Torah Portion, Shoftim (Judges) describes the political institutions of Biblical Israel – Judiciary, Monarchy, Prophet and Priest. It is the closest thing to a political constitution in the Torah, so it is worth exploring in the light of contemporary politics.

Is it Permissible to Pray Barefoot?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Synagogue Life
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 13/08/2020

Question from Rabbi Yoav Ende: There is a growing trend to remove one’s shoes before entering a synagogue. Is it permissible to pray barefoot?

Circumcising our hearts in Parashat Eikev

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 02/08/2020

Why is the central commandment of circumcision not found in this week's parasha?

The Liturgical Dilemma of the Nahem Prayer on Tisha B’Av

Fast Days
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 26/07/2020

Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin offers three different theological liturgical reactions to the Six-Day War and the Nahem prayer.

Learning from the Sin of the Spies in Parashat Devarim

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 20/07/2020

Calling out to God in prayer and knowing that we really do not know what lies ahead are two opposing concepts can be found in various places in the Talmud. They were as relevant in the time of the writing as they are now, but how does this relate to this week’s parasha?

The psychology behind marit-ayin

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 12/07/2020

This week’s parasha, Matot-Masei tells the story of how the tribes of Reuven and Gad were able to settle in the land outside of Israel after asking permission from Moses.

Why do Some Jews Refrain From Eating Food Cooked by Non-Jews? Is There Room for Leniency?

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 02/07/2020

Orthodox Mashgihim (Kashrut supervisors) are usually quite strict about Bishul Akum (food cooked by non-Jews). What are the sources for this prohibition and is there room for leniency?

Shabbat Offerings and Parashat Pinchas

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 02/07/2020

How can Parashat Pinchas help enhance our Shabbat experience?

Parashat Balak: Postcards from God

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 25/06/2020

Do you get postcards from God? What do postcards from God look like?

Instilling a New Culture in the Promised Land in Parashat Chukat with Eitan Cooper

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 18/06/2020

Parashat Chukat chronicles the deaths of Moses’s siblings, Aaron and Miriam, and provides inspiration to create meaningful and lasting change.

Korah’s Sin and the Elusiveness of Honor

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 14/06/2020

What is Korah’s sin? This week’s parasha, Parashat Korach, deals with the theme of honor and how it affects us....

Combating Materialism in Behar-Bechukotai

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 14/05/2020

One of the major curses of the western world today is the inability to be satisfied. The Torah portions of Behar-Bechukotai offers insight on combating materialism and overconsumption.

If There is No Minyan, Are There Alternatives to the Mourner’s Kaddish?

Illness, Burial and Mourning
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 13/05/2020

According to normative Jewish law, the Kaddish, including the mourner's Kaddish, may only be recited in the presence of a minyan. In light of the pandemic, are there alternatives to saying Kaddish with a minyan?

Bamidbar: Accessing the Divine Presence

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 07/05/2020

Bamidbar (Numbers), this week’s parasha, begins the fourth book of the Torah, also called Bamidbar, giving a detailed description of...

Sources of Strength in Parashat Beha’alotcha with Dr. David Frankel

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 07/05/2020

This week’s parashat Beha’alotcha holds a relevant and meaningful passage, uttered by Moses:  Rise, O Lord, and may your enemies flee...

Celebrating Miracles Every Day in Parashat Emor with Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 05/05/2020

Parashat Emor details the three major holidays in the Jewish Calendar. Halfway between Pesach and Shavuot, Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of...

Making a Seder in the Shadow of Corona

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 13/04/2020

Why is this night different than all other nights? In two weeks this question will be asked in many homes,...

How is this Night Different?

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Jewish Life & Thought
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 13/04/2020

This year we will indeed be different, but the seder will be no less meaningful.  Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies...

Heavenly Discipline: Dr. Shula Laderman on Parashat Shemini

Ethical Issues
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 12/04/2020

Dr. Shula Laderman, lecturer in Judaism and the Arts at The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, offers an interpretation of Avner Moriah’s...

This Night Will be Different: Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Seder Ritual

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 12/04/2020

How is this night different from all other nights? This year, Passover will indeed be different. Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, President...

Ten Brief Responsa/Halakhic Reactions to the Corona Crisis

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/04/2020

From holding a virtual seder to sitting shiva and hearing the Megillah via electronic media: Answers to a variety of questions on Jewish law as they relate to prayer and observance during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aharei Mot and Kedoshim: Asking The Hard Questions With Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya

Ethical Issues
Fast Days
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 05/04/2020

There are two parashiyot this week, Aharei Mot and Kedoshim, both coming at a time in our collective self-isolation where we can draw...

Rejoicing on Purim

Ethical Issues
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 12/03/2020

The Jewish people throughout history have always opposed drunkenness, which is why the quotation in the Talmud, “One must drink...

Haman on a Tree: Dr. Tamar Kadari shares a Purim Midrash

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 12/03/2020

“So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordechai. Then the wrath of the king abated.”...

Leaving Our Egypt: Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson on Parashat Hachodesh

Rosh Chodesh (New Month)
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 12/03/2020

In a time of much global uncertainty words of Torah can bring comfort and open new ways of thinking. Take...

Drawing Close: Rabbi Ilana Foss on Parashat Vayikra

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Ilana Foss
| 12/03/2020

Parashat Vayikra, the beginning of the Book of Leviticus, arrives at a timely moment as the world continues to battle...

Heeding the Prophet’s Call

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 12/03/2020

During these trying times, Passover and its accompanying rituals still beckon even if this year will be very different in...

In Light of the Spread of the Corona Virus, is it Permissible to Listen to the Megillah Reading “Live” Via Telephone, Radio, Television or on Facebook?: Responsa in a Moment: Volume 14, Number 4

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 01/03/2020

In light of the spread of the corona virus, is it permissible to listen to the Megillah reading “live” via telephone, radio, television or on Facebook? Responsa in a Moment Volume 14, Number 4 March 2020 

Visualizing Parashat Terumah with Dr. Shula Laderman

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 24/02/2020

In Parashat Terumah, God instructs Moses how to fashion a dwelling place, a sanctuary for God’s presence. Dr. Shula Laderman,...

Negiah: Is it Forbidden for a Jewish Man
to Touch a Woman or Shake Her Hand?
Responsa in a Moment: Volume 14, Number 3

Responsa by David Golinkin
Women in Jewish Law
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/02/2020

It is accepted today in the Haredi world and, to a certain extent, in the Modern Orthodox world that a Jewish man must not touch a woman at all, including a handshake. Is this true? Is this custom really a halakhic prohibition?

Offering Counsel: Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya on Parashat Yitro

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya
| 23/02/2020

n the parasha Yitro advises Moses to appoint a team of magistrates and judges to advise him in the task...

Which Way to Go? Eitan Cooper on Beshalach

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 22/02/2020

In Parashat Beshalach the route the Israelites will take through the desert is described. Neither the journey nor the identity...

Hear Their Voices: Neve Schechter Awards Inaugural Contemporary Israeli Art Prize

Israel and Zionism
| 25/01/2020

Women and women’s voices were front and center at a moving, musical evening at Neve Schechter on January 2, 2020. Neve...

What Does the Torah Say About Asking Questions? Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox on Parashat Bo

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
| 25/01/2020

In Parashat Bo the Israelites are commanded to observe the anniversary of the Exodus each year and tell the story...

Moses’ Magical Staff: Dr. Tamar Kadari on Parashat Va’era

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 24/01/2020

In Parashat Va’era, Pharaoh refuses to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt, even after Aaron exhibits miraculous powers, transforming his staff into a serpent. Moses must...

Prof. Renée Levine Melammed on Miriam The Sister of Moses

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 23/01/2020

In Parashat Shemot, a child, Moses, is born to Yocheved and placed in a basket on the river, while the...

Prof. Moshe Benovitz on Jacob’s Blessing and Your Children

Birth and Children
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Moshe Benovitz
| 22/01/2020

In Parashat Vayechi, Jacob blesses his grandsons, Ephraim and Menashe, on his deathbed and asks them to bury him in...

The Better Angels of Our Nature

Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 25/12/2019

In Parashat Vayetze, a ladder with angels ascending and descending from it appears in Jacob’s dream. The significance of the...

Schechter Ordains 100th Rabbi!

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Law and Its Authority
| 25/12/2019

In a festive ceremony filled with music, Torah and song, the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary ordained its rabbi, marking 30 years of ordaining...

New TALI partnership with Integrated Schools

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
| 25/12/2019

The start of the 2019-2020 school year brought with it an exciting new collaboration for the TALI Education Fund.  TALI is...

Shining Brightly in Ukraine

Symbols and Rituals
| 25/12/2019

he Kiev Masorti community had a powerful multi-faith Chanukah candle lighting on December 23rd.  Rabbi Reuven Stamov, Schechter alum and resident...

Telling Your Story: Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson on Parashat Vayigash

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 25/12/2019

n Parashat Vayigash Judah approaches Joseph to plead for the release of Benjamin, offering himself as a slave to the...

Plotting Leadership: Eitan Cooper on Parashat Miketz

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 24/12/2019

In Parashat Miketz, Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt’s anti-famine plan, which brings him into contact...

Why Do We Light Hanukkah
Candles in the Synagogue?
Responsa in a Moment: Volume 14, Number 2

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 23/12/2019

According to the Talmud, Hanukkah is a home celebration. Why, then, is there is a widespread custom to light Hanukkah candles with the blessings in the synagogue?

Wily Women: Dr. Gila Vachman on Parashat Vayeishev

Ethical Issues
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 23/12/2019

In Parashat Vayeishev, Tamar tricks Judah into helping her conceive an heir. Later on, Joseph, after defying his Egyptian master Potiphar’s wife, is...

Reexamining Esau: Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Parashat Vayishlachch

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 12/12/2019

In Parashat Vayishlach, Jacob prepares for a potential battle and sends Esau a large gift of hundreds of heads of livestock to appease him. Rabbi Avi...

Parashat Vayera. Women and our Biblical Heritage

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
| 25/11/2019

Parashat Vayera details Hagar and Ishmael being cast out at Sarah’s behest. Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, Lecturer in Family and...

Prof. Renée Levine Melammed, Parashat Chayei Sarah and an Unknown Matriarch

Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 12/11/2019

Sarah, Abraham’s wife and the matriarch of the Jewish people, is a strong and independent character. Prof. Renée Levine Melammed, professor...

Finding Your Truth in Parashat Toldot

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 12/11/2019

Rebecca and Isaac pray for a child. Rebecca soon feels violent movement within her womb and cries to God. Rabbi...

When Should We Study Pirkei Avot and When Should We Recite Barekhi Nafshi andShirei Hama’alot on Shabbat Afternoon?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/11/2019

What are the sources for the different customs of studying Pirkei Avot and reciting Barekhi Nafshi and Shirei Hama’alot on Shabbat throughout the Jewish year?

Taking a Stand: Rabbi Dr. David Frankel on Parashat Lech Lecha

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 25/10/2019

Rabbi Dr. David Frankel, Senior Lecturer in Bible at The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, discusses our forefather Abraham’s ability to...

This is Your Wake-Up Call Dr. David Frankel on Yom Kippur

Fast Days
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Synagogue Life
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 25/10/2019

“The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai” (Jonah 1:1). On Yom Kippur afternoon Jews around the...

In the Image of God Dr. Tamar Kadari on Genesis

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 12/10/2019

“And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created...

Down Came the Rain: Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Noah and Gilgamesh

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 01/10/2019

In this week’s Parasha, Noah is chosen by God to perpetuate the human race after his wicked contemporaries perish in...

A Tisket, a Tasket, a Bikkurim-Filled Basket: Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Ki Tavo

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/09/2019

Parashat Ki Tavo discusses bikkurim, first fruits: “You shall take some of every first fruit of the soil, which you...

On Ben Gurion, the Bible and an Unusual Press Conference

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 25/09/2019

With Israeli election results still in motion, let’s take a look at David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, and...

Getting Carded (In a Good Way)

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
| 25/09/2019

Turning sixteen in Israel isn’t just a number.  At sixteen, Israeli teens get their national identity cards.  Learn how TALI is helping...

Repentance, Prayer and Tzedakah: A New Year Greeting from Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin

Responsa by David Golinkin
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Synagogue Life
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/09/2019

The Unetane Tokef has been a part of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur liturgy for centuries. New interpretations offer ways of making sense of this theologically challenging prayer so that all of us can find points of connection.

Aleph or Bet: Dr. Shula Laderman with a Festive Torah Tale

Birth and Children
High Holidays
Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 25/09/2019

“Aleph! Aleph! Although I shall create the world through the letter bet you will be the first of all the...

Everyday Obligations: Dr. Shula Laderman on Parashat Ki Teitzei

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 12/09/2019

Parashat Ki Teitzei contains many positive and negative commandments governing the Israelites’ daily lives. Dr. Shula Laderman, Lecturer in Judaism...

Moses and Herzl
Responsa in a Moment: Volume 13, Number 5

Israel and Zionism
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/08/2019

A careful reading of the respective biographies of Moses and Herzl yields a series of striking parallels between them in terms of education, character, plans and ultimate success.

Parashat Vaetchanan: The Rationale Behind The Commandments

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 16/08/2019

In this week’s Parasha, Parashat Vaetchanan, Moses repeats the importance of keeping God’s commandments when the people enter the Land of Israel....

Seeing and Being Seen: Parshat Re’eh

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 16/08/2019

This week’s Torah portion begins with an admonition to see: “Re’eh,” and concludes with the commandment “Yira’eh” (you are to...

Must We Listen to Our Leaders? Dr. David Frankel on Parashat Shoftim

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 16/08/2019

In Parashat Shoftim, Moses instructs the Israelites to appoint judges, beginning a system of governance that will also serve the...

Traveling Tombstones: Professor Doron Bar on Herzl’s Reburial in Israel

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 01/08/2019

On August 17, 1949, Theodor Herzl, founding father of Zionism, was reinterred in Israel. His gravesite was established on the highest...

If Donkeys Could Talk: Dr. Shula Laderman on Parashat Balak

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 16/07/2019

The fascinating story of Balak and Balaam’s failed attempts to curse the Jewish people is found in this week’s parasha....

Parashat Pinchas: Understanding What Leadership Really Means

Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 16/07/2019

Are you ready for the elections? In Parshat Pinchas, we witness the ordination of Joshua bin Nun as the successor...

Finding Our Way Back in the Month of Av

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 16/07/2019

The Jewish month of Av brings with it a season of mourning for the destruction of the Temple.  The rabbis...

“Bethlehem” Exhibit Now at Neve Schechter

Art and Literature
Israel and Zionism
| 25/06/2019

The first chapter of the Book of Ruth ends with the story of Naomi’s return from Moab to Bethlehem with her Moabite...

Stick or Carrot? The Giving of the Torah

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 19/06/2019

When it comes to educating students, teachers often ask which is more persuasive: the carrot or the stick? Was the...

Where Are the Women in Jewish Thought?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Women & Gender
Dr. Einat Ramon
| 19/06/2019

The field of Jewish Thought for many years has been considered the sphere of male thinkers and philosophers. This week Dr....

Was Anything so Wrong in Korach’s Message? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch Explores the Parasha

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 16/06/2019

“For all the community are holy, and the Lord is in their midst. Why then do you, Aaron and Moses,...

Exclusivity and Openness on Shavuot

Jewish Life & Thought
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Ilana Foss
| 25/05/2019

Exclusivity is often seen as a selling point. Whenever I’m at Ben Gurion airport I look longingly at the executive...

Paul Shrell-Fox on Brotherly Kinship

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
| 19/05/2019

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox on his Bar Mitzvah anniversary! In the seventh reading of Parashat Behar, the...

Everyone has Value: Reb Mimi Feigelson on Parashat Bechukotai

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/05/2019

Parashat Bechukotai deals with what sort of pledges we make to God in the Temple: Who makes offerings? How much...

Watershed Moments: Dr. Gila Vachman on Parashat Chukat

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 19/05/2019

What was the connection between the death of Miriam and the absence of water?Our sages say that the three “gifts”...

Forging our Future: Dr. David Frankel on Parashat Bamidbar

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 19/05/2019

Is Parashat Bamidbar a period of rebellion and complaints or is it, as stated in Jeremiah,  about God and Israel’s...

Thoughts on Yom Haatzmaut

Israel and Zionism
Thought and Philosophy
| 14/05/2019

As Israel celebrates its 71st birthday, some of Schechter’s faculty share what “Israeliness” means to them. May Israel go from...

All I Really Need to Know about Judaism, I Learned in Pirkei Avot

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/05/2019

All I really need to know about Judaism, I learned in Pirkei Avot. Why every Jew should study Pirkei Avot between Pesah and Shavuot, and throughout the year.

Seder or Symposium: Rabbi Prof Golinkin On Seder Origins

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 25/04/2019

What is the origin of the Seder and the Haggadah?   Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, discusses the connection between the...

Revisit the story of Exodus

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
| 25/04/2019

Who is God in the Story of the Exodus? Now that we have celebrated the first days of Passover, let’s revisit...

Parashat Metzora: Is Sin the Cause of Suffering?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 19/04/2019

Is sin the cause of suffering? Dr. David Frankel, Senior Lecturer in Bible at The Schechter Institutes, discusses how in the ancient era...

The Challenge of “V’ahavta; And You Shall Love.”

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 19/04/2019

Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, delves into the relationship between two verses in Parshat Kedoshim: “You shall love your neighbor like...

The Disqualified Kohen

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Gila Vachman
| 19/04/2019

Parashat Emor is dedicated to the rules regarding the personal status and physical condition of Kohanim, the priests who worked in...

Is There an Obligation to Kiss the Tzitzit?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/04/2019

There is a widespread custom to kiss one’s tzitzit three times during the recitation of the Shema and there are renowned rabbis such as the Vilna Gaon and Rabbi Prof. Saul Lieberman who did not kiss their tzitzit at all. What are the sources and approaches regarding these customs?

Back to Reality with Parashat Vayikra

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Tamar Kadari
| 19/03/2019

This week we begin the book of  Vayikra, Leviticus, that deals with the sacrifices that individuals may bring to the Temple....

Parshat Shemini – Aaron’s Silence

Birth and Children
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/03/2019

Parashat Shemini: “Vayidom Aharon.” Aaron was silent, says the text. Was it shocked silence? Perhaps. Or, perhaps, it was silence...

Gender Identity and Parashat Tazria

Birth and Children
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 19/03/2019

This week’s Torah portion, Tazria, starts with the verse “If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a male...

Influential Jewish Women in the Middle Ages

Jewish Life & Thought
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 14/03/2019

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Professor. Renée Levine Melammed shares with us the powerful story of influential...

Jewish Holidays Among the Crypto-Jews

Jewish Life & Thought
Symbols and Rituals
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 13/03/2019

We are blessed to be living in a time where an overwhelming number of Jews are able to celebrate Jewish...

Construction Ahead: Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Priestly Attire

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 19/02/2019

The Torah now begins to detail the designs of the Mishkan, a sanctuary for God’s presence, and the priestly (Cohen’s)...

Seize The Moment in Parashat Tetzaveh

Bar-Bat Mitzvah
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/02/2019

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Mashpiah Ruchanit (Spiritual Mentor) and senior lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, relates to the...

Tabernacle Giving: Is All Gold Good?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Shula Laderman
| 19/02/2019

We at Schechter are so excited about the construction of the Tabernacle that we have two videos for Parshat Vayakhel one...

Parashat Vayakhel – Another Donation?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/02/2019

Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Mashpiah Ruchanit (Spiritual Mentor) and senior lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, imagines...

Parashat Pekudei on the Purpose of Materialism

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Einat Ramon
| 19/02/2019

Gold, silver and copper: the opening passage of Parashat Pekudei accounts for the vast material resources required for building of...

How May One Abbreviate the Loud Repetition of the Amidah?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/02/2019

There are several different customs regarding the Hoiche Kedusha (2) or the abbreviated loud repetition of the Amidah. How did the different customs arise and which custom should we follow?

Can we look positively on Amalek? Parashat Beshalach

Ethical Issues
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 19/01/2019

וַיִּבֶן מֹשֶׁה מִזְבֵּחַ וַיִּקְרָא שְׁמוֹ ה’ נִסִּי: וַיֹּאמֶר כִּי יָד עַל כֵּס יָ-הּ מִלְחָמָה לַה’ בַּעֲמָלֵק מִדֹּר דֹּר “Then Moses...

Parashat Yitro: gratitude, compassion and a cross-sensual experience at Sinai

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
| 19/01/2019

Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, Lecturer in Family and Community Studies at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, discusses two concepts as related in this...

My Israeli Jewish Identity, Rediscovered

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
Places & Sites
Pluralism and Politics
Thought and Philosophy
Moriah Karsagi-Aharon
| 14/01/2019

Why I Had to Travel all the Way to New York in Order to Understand More About My Israeli Jewish...

A Hidden Lesson of the Hanukkah Story

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 19/12/2018

A hidden lesson of the Hanukkah story: What is the connection between Joseph’s story in parashat Miketz, and the story of Hanukkah?

Where is God in the story of Joseph?

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 19/12/2018

Feel alienated at services and wondering where God is in all of this? Parashat Vayigash might have the answer for you....

Parashat Shemot Why was Moses Chosen to Lead the People of Israel?

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 19/12/2018

Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, talks about leadership qualities. Moses was not chosen to lead the Jewish people because...

Parashat Va’era

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 19/12/2018

וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים אֶל-מֹשֶׁה ‘ אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה In Parashat Va’era, God says to Moshe: “I will be what I will be.”...

Is it Permissible to Study Biblical Criticism?

Jewish Law and Its Authority
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/12/2018

Question from a student at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary: Is it permissible to study and teach biblical criticism, especially regarding the Torah?

Parshat Toldot: Earning the Name By Eitan Cooper

Birth and Children
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 19/11/2018

In Parshat Toldot, Jacob was the underdog, the eternal number two, says  Eitan Cooper, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of  The...

Parshat Vayetze: Jacob the Refugee Perspective of a Schechter Rabbinical Seminary Student

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
| 19/11/2018

Parashat Vayeitze tells the story of Jacob as a refugee. The world is awash with refugees. What does the Torah have...

What can we learn from Jacob and Esau? Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox on Parashat Vayishlach

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
| 19/11/2018

“The next time Jacob and Esau meet is at the burial of their father, Isaac, in Hebron (Genesis 35:27-29).” Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, Lecturer in Family and...

When Disaster Strikes By R. Miriam Berkowitz

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Life & Thought
| 11/11/2018

How do we respond to tragedy?  One Saturday night in November 1995, I was making Havdala with JTS rabbinical students...

Judaism and Christianity: Bridging the Gap Dr. Ari Ackerman

Pluralism and Politics
Religion & Science
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 19/10/2018

As we are restarting the annual Torah reading cycle, Dr. Ari Ackerman, outgoing Dean, and Senior Lecturer in Jewish Thought at...

What Does “Be Fruitful and Multiply” Mean? By Eitan Cooper

Birth and Children
Israel and Zionism
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 19/10/2018

A couple of years ago Prof. Alon Tal, a leading Israeli environmentalist, wrote a controversial book called “The Land is Full”...

Free will in Parashat Lech Lecha Reb Mimi Feigelson

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Women & Gender
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/10/2018

Lech Lecha! G‑d commands Abraham to set out on a journey: “Go from your land, from your birthplace and from...

Vayera -The Ethical Message of Halacha Rabbi David Golinkin

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 19/10/2018

Should Halachic rulings take human suffering into account? Rabbi Professor David Golinkin explores the innate ethical message of Halacha, and asks:...

A Taste of Symbolic Foods on Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 19/09/2018

A Rosh Hashanah tradition of eating symbolic foods (simanim) is intended to help us ensure a good new year. The list of simanim varies between the Ashkenazic and...

Yom Kippur as a Moment of Unity Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson

Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Synagogue Life
Thought and Philosophy
Women & Gender
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 19/09/2018

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is considered the most important holiday in the Jewish faith. This day marks the...

70 Voices Heard in the Heart of Tel Aviv

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Thought and Philosophy
| 14/09/2018

Tel Aviv, Israel’s self-proclaimed most secular city, is going through spiritual reawakening. Jewish renewal reached Israel’s bustling commercial capital, and...

Dvar Torah on Sukkot Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz

High Holidays
Jewish Life & Thought
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz
| 14/09/2018

Every year we wonder why there are so many holidays clustered together in the month of Tishrei rather than spread...

Schechter Rabbinical Seminary Opens a New Torah Lishma Program in Tel Aviv

Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Jewish Life & Thought
Pluralism and Politics
Thought and Philosophy
| 12/09/2018

The program at Neve Schechter will be based on the highly successful program model in Jerusalem, with content adapted to serve the...

Simchat Torah and #Me Too By Eitan Cooper

High Holidays
Jewish Education
Sukkot and Simhat Torah
Thought and Philosophy
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 12/09/2018

One of the favorite songs sung on Simchat Torah is the Piyyut “Mi Pi El” in which it is declared:...

Jewish Life Flourishing in Ukraine Camp Ramah Yachad

Jewish Education
Jewish Law and Its Authority
Places & Sites
Pluralism and Politics
Women & Gender
| 12/09/2018

Camp Ramah Yachad in Ukraine makes history with female counselors and campers reading Torah for the very first time. Israeli...

TALI Partnership with the Ministry of Education in Israel

Birth and Children
Israel and Zionism
Jewish Education
Pluralism and Politics
| 11/09/2018

Since its founding in 1976, TALI  Education has been working with schools, parents, and students across Israel. Today, 12% of secular...

How did Mount Herzl Get its Name? Professor Doron Bar on Herzl’s Final Resting Place

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 20/08/2018

Where is Mount Herzl and how else was Herzl honored? In August 1949, Theodore Herzl’s remains were moved from Vienna...

Selihot Already? Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Penitential Prayers

High Holidays
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 20/08/2018

Why do some communities start reciting Selihot, the penitential prayers leading up to the High Holidays, at the beginning of the Jewish...

What happens on the streets of Jerusalem during Selichot? Dr. Einat Ramon

High Holidays
Israel and Zionism
Places & Sites
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Einat Ramon
| 20/08/2018

Listen to Dr. Einat Ramon, Senior Lecturer in Jewish Thought and founder of the Marpeh pastoral care program, as she takes us on...

Learn about the Jewish Prayer Modes with Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch

High Holidays
Jewish Education
Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 20/08/2018

Music and prayer have been combined since the most ancient times. One cannot find musical symbolizations in the Siddur, the...

Why do Jews from Islamic Lands Object to Sitting with Crossed Legs in a Synagogue?

Prayer and Synagogues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/08/2018

Why do Jews from Islamic countries object to sitting with crossed legs in a synagogue? What are the sources? Is their objection justified?

Zealous or Zealot? Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Parshat Pinchas

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 20/07/2018

Can someone be zealous without being a zealot? Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, discusses the incident in the transition from...

Between Destruction and Redemption: Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Tisha B’Av

Fast Days
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 20/07/2018

This Friday begins the Jewish month of Av and the nine days leading up to Tisha BAv, the Ninth of...

Tisha B’Av and the Mourning and Survival Patterns of Jews

Fast Days
Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Dr. Einat Ramon
| 20/07/2018

As a modern-day researcher of Jewish thought, I especially love the personal descriptions that Jewish philosophers insert parenthetically into their...

The Feminist Message of Parshat Va’etchanan The Ten Commandments

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 20/07/2018

The Ten Commandments appear in two different sections of the Torah, first, in the Book of Exodus in Parashat Yitro,...

Does Love Keep Us From Being Alone? Rabbi Reb Dr. Mimi Feigelson on Parshat Eikev

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 20/07/2018

How do we overcome aloneness in the world? In Parshat Eikev the word love is used four times as we...

Origin Stories: Dr. Ari Ackerman on How he Became a Scholar of Jewish Thought

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 21/06/2018

What inspires someone to choose an academic’s life devoted to Jewish Philosophy? Dr. Ari Ackerman, Dean of the Schechter Institute of Jewish...

Superwoman: Professor Renee Levine Melammed on a 17th-Century Woman’s Kabbalistic Powers

Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 21/06/2018

Can sexuality be taken out of the yeshiva? A few months ago we learned how Asenath Barazani, a woman and...

How Do We Establish Memory? Professor Doron Bar on the Creation of Yad Vashem

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Yom Hashoah
Places & Sites
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 21/06/2018

Memory or heroism? Victims or heroes? What should a museum commemorate? Professor Doron Bar, President of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies,...

Right from Wrong? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on the Responsibilities of Leadership

Rabbinic Literature
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 21/06/2018

Was Moses responsible for the decisions made by the Israelites? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, discusses the responsibilities...

Is a Double Ring Ceremony Permissible?
Responsa in a Moment Volume 12, Number 5

Responsa by David Golinkin
Women in Jewish Law
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/06/2018

Is it permissible for the bride to give a ring to the groom as part of the wedding ceremony? Is it permissible for her to say “harei ata mekudash li” [behold you are betrothed unto me] or another verse or statement?

What would Herzl and Jabotinsky think about how we look after 70 Years? Eitan Cooper on Parshat Behar

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 21/05/2018

I’m in South Tel Aviv, a few feet away from our Neve Schechter Center for Jewish Culture. The view behind...

Jerusalem of Skyscrapers? Professor Doron Bar on the City’s Changing Population

Israel and Zionism
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 21/05/2018

Sunday, the 28th of Iyyar, marks the 51st anniversary of Jerusalem’s unification. Professor Doron Bar, President of the Schechter Institute of Jewish...

Just How Jewish Should Israel Be? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Separation of State and Religion

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 21/05/2018

How Jewish should the Jewish State be? As Israel continues celebrating its 70th birthday Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch, Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical...

What Made Moses a Great Leader? Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Parshat Beha’alotcha

Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 21/05/2018

What makes a great leader? Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, discusses Parshat Beha’alotcha and the six qualities that made Moses successful...

What’s Wrong Between Israeli and American Jews?

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Dr. Eitan Chikli
| 15/05/2018

For some years now conventional wisdom has it that Israel’s policies toward liberal streams and Palestinians are to blame for...

The State of Israel and the Jews of North America: From Problems to Solutions

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 05/05/2018

Translation of a lecture delivered at a conference on "The State of Israel and the Jews of North America: How Can We Bridge the Gaps."

How Do We Respond to Tragedy? Dr. David Frankel on Parshat Shemini

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Frankel
| 23/04/2018

When tragedy strikes what do we say to God? In Parshat Shemini Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, die suddenly.  Dr. David...

How Do We Make Sense of the Insensible? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Parshat Tazria-Metzora

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 23/04/2018

Parshat Tazria-Metzora offers a confusing depiction of skin afflictions and potential treatments that, for many people, have little connection to...

How Do We Mark a Miracle? Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin on Israel’s 70th Birthday

Israel and Zionism
Israel Independence Day / Yom Ha’atzma’ut
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 21/04/2018

Are we aware of the miracles surrounding us? On Israel’s 70th Birthday, Rabbi Professor David Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, shares excerpts of a letter...

How Do You Know When You Are Home? Rabbi Reb Dr. Mimi Feigelson on Hasidism

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 21/04/2018

What is the meaning of finding your home? Sometimes it is  knowing your story of origin and sometimes it is...

Women in the House: Professor Renee Levine Melammed on a 17th-Century Woman Rosh Yeshiva

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 21/04/2018

What happens when the head of a Kurdish yeshiva has no sons?  He prepares his daughter to be the next...

Israel and the Jewish People in the 21st Century

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Private: Eitan Cooper
| 15/04/2018

Neve Schechter’s Gallery in Tel Aviv is currently exhibiting “Sphere”. Several beautiful spherical paintings around the theme of the Omer...

Where do you Encounter God? Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch on Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch
| 30/03/2018

In Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei the Israelites receive further instructions on constructing the Tabernacle.  The instructions specify creating elaborate wall panels....

What Offerings are you Bringing to God? Rabbi Reb Dr. Mimi Feigelson on Parshat Yayikra

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson
| 30/03/2018

As we begin the Book of Leviticus the language of sacrifices becomes more prominent in our Torah reading. Rabbi Dr....

Are you Ready to Leave Egypt? Rabbi Professor David Golinkin Takes the Passover Stage

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 30/03/2018

Lights Camera Action! Drama doesn’t just take place in the movies, on Passover we remember that we too were brought out...

What Time Is It? Professor Dr. Ari Ackerman on Heschel’s Approach to Ritual and Sacrifice

Jewish Life & Thought
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 30/03/2018

Whether it is the yearly ritual and sacrifice of Passover celebrations or the familiarity of Shabbat rituals each week, Jewish...

Rav or Rabbah: Choosing Titles in the Rabbinate

Israel and Zionism
Women & Gender
Rabbi Sara Cohen
| 14/03/2018

Midrash Sifre teaches that the Israelites left Egypt with Miriam at their lead: “when you left Egypt–” during the time...

Humility and Truth vs. Orthodoxy’s Quest for Special Status

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Yossi Turner
| 14/03/2018

An article reporting in detail on the recent visit to Israel of a delegation of Orthodox leaders from the US...

Is There More Than One Way to be a Zionist? Professor Yossi Turner and a Zionist Dilemma

Israel and Zionism
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Yossi Turner
| 14/03/2018

What is the Zionist dilemma of living in Israel learn from a Zionists living in the Jewish Diaspora? Dr. Yossi...

How Can One Sell Hametz Which is in a Different Time Zone? Responsa in a Moment: Vol. 12, No. 3, March 2018

Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/03/2018

How can one properly execute the sale of hametz which is located in a different time zone or country?

The Destructive Effect of the Partition at the Western Wall on Other Jewish Holy Sites in Israel

Israel and Zionism
Places & Sites
Pluralism and Politics
Prof. Doron Bar
| 15/02/2018

We once again witnessed the ridiculousness of the separation between men and women at the Western Wall when female journalists...

How Should a Person Repent
for Causing an Accidental Death?
Responsa In a Moment: Volume 12, Number 2 February 2018

Ethical Issues
Responsa by David Golinkin
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/02/2018

If a Jew causes the accidental death of another person, what can he or she do in order to repent for that action?

Are All Women Leaders Feminists? Professor Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern on Women’s Leadership

Israel and Zionism
Pluralism and Politics
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Bat-Sheva Margalit Stern
| 04/02/2018

Are women leaders by definition into feminism? February marks the 49th anniversary of Golda Meir being elected prime minster (she...

God is in the Details Dr. Paul Mandel on Parshat Terumah

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Symbols and Rituals
Dr. Paul Mandel
| 04/02/2018

This week in Parshat Terumah Moses and the Israelites are given detailed instructions on how to construct the Tabernacle in...

He Said, She Said Professor Renee Levine Melammed on a Maimonidean Dispute

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 04/02/2018

He said she said did not originate in the modern era, in fact, in 12th century Cairo, Maimonides hears both...

Hidden or Revealed Dr. Ari Ackerman on Purim Miracles

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 04/02/2018

Who is the true hero of the Purim story? Dr. Ari Ackerman, Dean of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and Senior Lecturer...

Battle of the Gods? Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox on Parshat Vaera

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
| 04/01/2018

Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, Lecturer in Family and Community Studies, offers a play-by-play on the negotiations between Moses and Aaron and...

Was Beatriz Convicted? Professor Renée Levine Melammed and the Case of the Mysterious Midwife

Jewish Education
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Women & Gender
Prof. Renée Levine Melammed
| 04/01/2018

This month marks the 482nd anniversary of the start of the trials of one of the women of the Spanish Inquisition,...

What’s Old is Holy Again? Professor Doron Bar on Israel’s Creative Holy Places

Places & Sites
Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Prof. Doron Bar
| 04/01/2018

Preparations are underway for Tu Bishvat, the New Year of the Trees, which falls on January 30th and 31st this...

God of History or God of Wisdom? Dr. Ari Ackerman on Parshat Yitro

Shavua Tov @ Schechter
Thought and Philosophy
Prof. Ari Ackerman
| 04/01/2018

This week in Parshat Yitro The Ten Commandments are revealed. With the first commandment, “I am the Lord your God...

Is it Permissible for Women to Serve
as Shohatot (Ritual Slaughterers)?
Responsa in a Moment: Vol. 12, No. 1, December 2017

Responsa by David Golinkin
Women in Jewish Law
Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin
| 06/12/2017

Is it permissible for women to serve as Shohatot (ritual slaughterers)?

When is a Coat More Than Just a Coat? Dr. Tamar Kadari on Parshat Vayeishev

Birth and Children
Shavua Tov @ Schechter