Donate – Ukraine Emergency Campaign

Ukraine Emergency Fund

Support our Campaign to Help Ukrainian Jewry!

We have already entered the third year of this crisis, Midreshet Schechter, in partnership with Masorti Olami, continues to provide spiritual support, food, money, housing, ground transportation and plane fare for thousands  of Jewish community members in Ukraine and those requesting to flee to safety.

Schechter’s activities are growing and adjusting to the changing reality throughout Ukraine. 

We have three ongoing opportunities requiring assistance: 

  • Communal Pesach Seders in Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Odessa, and Kharkiv, all run by our local communal leaders. We expect to host 300 people.
  • Providing cooked food every week, year-round, to 40 families in Kyiv — primarily home-bound elderly. This includes holiday meals for all the Jewish holidays, including Pesach. 
  • The 32nd season of Camp Ramah Ukraine. We plan to welcome a record number of children — 150 plus staff! – and expand the camp to a full 14 days. Camp will be held southwestern Ukraine near Chernivtsi and Moldova from July 24th until August 7th. 

We ask for your continued support to enable us to help them during this emergency.


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