
Giving to Schechter

Support us in our vision of an Israeli public committed to Judaism and religious pluralism.
Join us in our mission to guarantee that a strong, vibrant voice for pluralistic Jewish education in the State of Israel will not only be heard but will flourish.

If you wish to donate to the Ukraine Emergency Campaign, please click here.

If you wish to donate to the 2024-2025 Schechter’s Israel Emergency Campaign, please click here.


Donate from the US or other countries in US dollars

Credit card donations to The Schechter Institutes, Inc. are processed via PayPal. A personal PayPal account is not required for processing.

The address to mail a donation in the US is:

The Schechter Institutes, Inc.
Box #3566
POB 8500
Philadelphia, PA 19178-3566

Donate from Israel

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