End of Year Art Showing: Informed Creations


On Friday, July 8th, our students in the Informed Creations (Maaseh Choshev) track at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies opened an exhibit at the art school HaKubia in Jerusalem. The Informed Creations track is an academic platform where Jewish traditional texts meet Israeli contemporary culture in the plastic arts, music, and dance. Schechter faculty present the philosophical, historical, and religious underpinnings of Jewish art and the creative process alongside experts in sculpture, drawing, painting, and ceramics who provide hands-on workshops.

The end-of-year exhibition was beautiful and thought-provoking. Dr. Ronit Steinberg, chair of the Jewish Arts track at SIJS, shared her excitement: “One of the more emotional parts of this day was when my students spoke about their creations. They talked about the creative process and the sources of their inspiration. Naturally, many students spoke about personal matters, which engaged the crowd and drew their attention.

In light of the course work being partially theoretical, students were assigned to explore the connection between their work and Jewish culture and sources. Many students spoke in-depth about their Jewish Identity, drawing connections between their theoretical studies from SIJS and artistic creations.”

The exhibit was open until July 15th and hosted twelve students’ works.

Read more about Informed Creations: https://schechter.edu/programs/schechter-institute-of-jewish-studies/?view=M-A–Tracks-and-Programs

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