Ukraine Update 24.2.2022: A War Breaks Out


We are following the shocking news from Ukraine with a special concern for the welfare and safety of the Jewish Communities we support in Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Kharkiv and Odessa. We ask for your support to enable us to help them during this emergency.

  1. Our Community in Kharkhiv, closest to the Ukraine-Russia border, is centered around the Sha’alavim-Lyceum Day School, which is being set up as an emergency shelter. Your gift will provide food packages to 150 day school pupils and their families.
  2. Families from our Kyiv and Odessa communities will be temporarily housed in the Chernivtsi Community in Southwestern Ukraine, near the Romanian border. Hotel rooms are being rented for them and meals prepared by our Community in Chernivtsi. Your gift will help the community pay for these arrangements.
  3. Should the situation deteriorate further, some of these families will be evacuated to Romania, Poland and Slovakia, and from there to Israel. Your support will enable them to cover the expenses of crossing borders to where they will be evacuated.

We are united in our determination to meet the immediate needs of hundreds of Ukrainian Jewish families, and all donations will be transferred directly to our local community leaders there for distribution.

Donate to Midreshet Schechter in ILS or USD via The Schechter Institutes, Inc. website

or via Masorti Olami 

In a few hours, at 20:00 in Israel, 18:00 GMT, 13:00 EST we will be gathering online with Jews all over the world to pray for peace in Ukraine. Please join us.

Rabbi David Golinkin, President, The Schechter Institutes, Inc.

Rabbi Mauricio Balter, Executive Director, Mercaz-Masorti Olami

Rabbi Irina Gritzevskaya, Executive Director, Midreshet Schechter Ukraine

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