Book Catalogue

Megillat Hashoah, The Shoah Scroll

Author Avigdor Shinan
Editor Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, Philip Scheim
Language English, French, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish
Publication year 2003
ISBN 9657105137, 9789657105139

This liturgical text, the first of its kind, is intended for public reading in synagogues, JCCs and schools. The Scroll is written in modern Hebrew with a mixture of biblical and rabbinic phrases, translated by Jules Harlow , contains six chapters in memory of the Six Million, which deal with the following topics: the uniqueness of the Shoah, the labor camp, the Ghetto, the death camp, an elegy for the Six Million and the survivors. The booklet also contains three introductions, poems, prayers and the Mourners’ Kaddish.

New! Available for the first time, the full text of Megillat Hashoah in PDF format, in five languages:







Philip Scheim, Prof. David Golinkin


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