Book Catalogue

The Book of Esther: A Commentary and History

Author Benjamin J. Segal
Language English
Number of pages 174
Publication year 2023
ISBN 10: 9657801095 13: 9789657801093
Publisher The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and Gefen Publishing House

This volume of textual commentary on the Book of Esther by Rabbi Benjamin J. Segal reveals layers of varied and dynamic interpretations by centuries of Jewish sages. Segal’s book is a journey of change and confrontation. Embraced by many but disliked by others, the Book of Esther constantly engages and confronts readers as we read and consider its views on family dynamics, sexual politics, intergroup relations, armed resistance, and definitions of historical truth and of heroism.

Rabbi Segal, past president of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, has authored commentaries on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, and Psalms, alongside numerous articles and other books.



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