Since its founding in 1976, TALI Education has been working with schools, parents, and students across Israel. Today, 12% of secular public schools in Israel are affiliated with the TALI Education network. 50,000 students in highly diverse communities, from upscale Ra’anana to working-class Lod, benefit from TALI curriculum.
2018 saw the strengthening of TALI partnership with the Ministry of Education. Today TALI is Israel’s largest pluralistic in-school Jewish studies program, educating 50,000 children and providing professional support to 2,500 educators in 315 public schools and pre-schools from the Golan to Eilat.
In 2018, TALI has cemented its partnership with the Ministry of Education. The Ministry asked TALI to prepare curricula and develop textbooks focusing on Jewish-Israeli identity for secular public schools Israel-wide.
In 2018, TALI piloted a unique program that aims to influence 10th graders at a turning point of their lives. Through in-school study, students explore major ideas that shaped the Jewish people and the State of Israel and are challenged to define their relationship to these ideas. In addition to studying during the school year, students will participate in a 3-day seminar held at a campus outside school that will encourage students to define their identity through experiential learning and group work.