How will we bring light this Chanukah? Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Spiritual Mentor/Senior Lecturer of Rabbinics and Chassidic Thought at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary, discusses the mitzvah of lighting the Chanukah candles. Citing Masechet Shabbat 22b in the Babylonian Talmud, she asks whether lighting the Chanukah candles accomplishes the mitzvah, or placing the kindled chanukiah accomplishes the mitzvah. In this dark time of year, in the shadow of so much suffering, will we find a way to be excited as we normally are on Chanukah or will we find a different sort of peace and a different way of bringing light to the world?
Reb Mimi serves as the Mashpiah Ruchanit (spiritual mentor) of the Rabbinical School, and teaches Talmud and Hassidic Thought. She will guide and walk with the rabbinical students on their personal-spiritual journeys. She served as the Mashpiah Ruchanit of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles for the last 16 years. Prior to this Reb Mimi was one of the founding administration and faculty members of the “Yakar” Beit Midrash and community.