Midreshet Schechter

About the Institute

Midreshet Schechter offers continuing and adult education programs in Hebrew, Russian, English and French to Israelis and immigrants in Beit Midrash frameworks. Programs include study and cultural events for veteran Israelis and new immigrants of all ages at Masorti congregations, community centers, rural settings as well as at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem.

Contact Us

4 Avraham Granot St., Jerusalem, Israel
Participants in Ukraine Programs
Student Midreshet Schechter activities in Israel


Schechter Centers are located throughout Israel, from the North to the South. They include Batei Midrash at Midreshet HaKarmel at the Moriah Congregation in Haifa, Midreshet HaKerem at the Masorti congregation in Karmiel, the Midrasha in the Jezreel Valley in partnership with Kehillat Sukkat Shalom of Ramat Yishai, as well as weekly courses in Nazeret Illit, Shlomi, Or Akiva, Givat Yeshayahu, Kibbutz Degania, Mazkeret Batya, Jerusalem, and Maalei Adumim.

Most recently, a program in English was launched at Schechter’s Jerusalem Campus, as well as online learning, offering high-level courses in Jewish Literature, Midrash, Jewish Thought and Art and Judaism to a diverse group of students. Click here to view our latest series.


Board of Directors

  • Prof. David Golinkin, Chair
  • Rabbi Mauricio Balter
  • Prof. Ari Ackerman
  • Moshe Cohen
  • Eitan Cooper
  • Ari Galizer
  • Galit Gaon
  • Don Jacobson
  • Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
  • Michal Makov Peled
  • Ya'acov Marks
  • Tehila Reuben


  • Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya, Director, Midreshet Schechter Ukraine and Midreshot Schechter
  • Romina Reisen, Director, Neve Schechter

* Ex-officio
** Honorary member


Rabbi Irina Gritsevskaya

Director of Midreshet Schechter Ukraine and Midreshot Schechter, SRS Graduate, 2018

Judaism is not black and white. It’s a rainbow of color. I am humbled and honored to be the educator bringing this message to the Jewish communities of Ukraine at such a crucial juncture in their history.

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